S1 Ep15 NYAH!

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   It's the time of year that you and your peers get together to make a memorable display for the PK festival, which people were less enthusiastic about when they found outbthey had to work after school and run things.

   They all had busy schedules with work and after scool clubs. Y/N made a mental note to either get a job or join a club sonthey can make up excuses for when they don't want to hang out. Maybe a cat cafe (hint hint)

   And now one boy made a suggestion that made their lazy self go AWOOGA cuz it was an amazing idea. He found rock that looked like doo doo so he suggested a cool rock display and everyone lobed it except Hairo.

   He believes that we should actually work hard for once since we only getbto do three of these in our school years. Somehow the class agreed to not be a lazy teens.

   Though Hairos determination couldn't get to everyone when he suggested making fifty thousand cranes. He wrote it down anyways.

    Soon people starte listing stuff off an no matte how good they were they weren't getting written down. These included: maid cafe, cross dressing maid cafe, bbq, bbq under the stars, haunted house (Y/N's favorite.)

   Y/N eventually suggested a cute lil art show were they can show off cute stuff that they made. After some complaints from other students about not being artistic they make a point that "Art doesn't have to be good. Art is just a silly thing that human do. It's in our nature to make artbthe sam way it is for birds to mak nests.

   Hairo thought their 'speech' was inspiring and wrote it in the board. Hairo your simp is showing.

   After some debates and an asteroid they finally decided on doing the rock thing bc they're lazy teens

   Right as they're about to leave Toritsuka bugged them about music lessons but they came up with a quick excuse to get outta there "Can't bro gotta go to work" they half lied. Looks like it's job time


   Hey. Ya know how I mentioned a cat cafe earlier? Well Y/N got a job there and so for they were lovin it.

   They even got to choose their uniform and all the options were cute. Let's go through them. First off wer have a calico beret and cap with cat ears they could choose from. Then they can choose from a blue alice and wonderland like dress or a blue sweater with a button up and tan pants. Then they can wear whatever cute socks they had with some black non slip shoes. Last but not least was their cute little calico cat apron with a big ol pocket for kittens.

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