Mini Ep2: Charlie and Lola

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(Yes the title is based off the Disney channel cartoon. Happy Feminine Presenting Parental Unit Day. Not a mothers day episode but a cute lil thing about Y/N being a good parent to their pets. They shall not refer to them as mum or dad but Baba because I've heard people use it before or perhaps a reference to baba yaga which apparently their original depiction is of mother nature. Ill let you decide. Also 'this Means thoughts' and "this means talking")

 Also 'this Means thoughts' and "this means talking")

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'Baba!' Charlie mewed out as he scratched at Y/N's door. 'Baba I'm hungry' He whined. Soon a tired Y/N  opened the door "Hello my sweet lil baby" They cooed as they scooped up Charlie. "C'mon let's get you and your lil sister some breakfast"

Y/N happily carried the kitten to the kitched where Lola was waiting patiently. Once Y/N put down Charlie Lola had stolen his spot in Y/N's arms. 'Good morning' She barked happily as she gave Y/N puppy kisses.

"Aww I love you to Lola but Imma have to put you down so I can get you your nom noms" They planted a kiss on her widdle forehead and sat her down. 'Yay nom noms!' she barked happily.

As Y/N was getting their food Charlie jept headbutting their leg going. 'Hey where's MY kisses' After Y/N filled their food and water bowls they happily gave the two plenty of kisses.

"Ok my sweet lil babies we're gonna go out today so when your done eating imma have to give ya a B-A-T-H" Y/N wouldn't dare say the word out loud. "We're going to go to a lil get together at my friend Kokomi's house. She has a kitty cat named Pushi (pussy in the english dub though not confirmed weather or not it's her cat but we do know she has a cat so just go along with it) and maybe Saiki might bring his cat Ampu"

Lola of course got excited and started bouncing around. 'FRIENDS FRIENDS FRIENDS!' Charlie was of vourse less enthusiastic about it but at least other cats will be there.

Bathtim with pets is a breeze as long as they don't hear the splashing. They got sensitive ears after all. "Alright Charlie I got you something special so you don't hear the water. Watch" They splash the water a few times before and after putting on his special hood to show that everything was going to be ok. 'WOAH THIS THING IS COOL! I CAN'T HEAR AANYTHING!' He meowed loudly so he can hear himself. 'WELL CAN YOU HEAR ME?!' Lola howled back. 'WHAT'

Eventually Y/N got the loud babies to calm down and have fun in the bath and they especially had fun with all the bubbles. 'DESTROY THE FLOATING ORBS!' 'YES CAPTAIN' Aww they're playing together so cute.

Afterwards Y/N had to giv their nails a trim so they don't accidently scratch anybody. They had to be careful as there were nerve endings in their claws so Y/N can't go too far back or they'll hurt their precious lil babies. Luckily forthem they haven't missed once yet but unfortunately Lola's previous owner had so she was of course nervous. But big bro Charlie is there to calm her down. How sweet.

Now that these sweeties are all squeaky and clean its time to put them in nice lil sweaters. Charlie with a nice sweater with a color called Ice Cold Stare. Lola also had a sweet lil sweater with the volor being called tulip.

( apparently Kuboyasu's hair color is purple Odyssey an the uniform is Keppel Beautiful)

Next things next leashes. Lola was a good doggy but Charlie was more stubborn. 'NOOOO! Leashes are for dogs! I am a proper and refined feline woth dignity!' 'You poop in a box and in Baba's garden!' ' . . . Fair enough' After some struggle they were both leashed and ready to go!

Once arrived they were let loose to explore the big fancy house while Y/N goes to play games with all of their dearest friends of all genders which of course means their beloved Kuboyasu whom Charlie and Lola adored greatly and gave lot of cuddles and kisses to.

Unfortunately Y/N had to put Charlie jnto time out because he got into a fight with Ampu over Pushi. Charlie had swept the floor with Ampu and effectively winning the heart of Pushi.

Effectively capturing the herats of their beloveds as well as being strong as hell. Ah like Baba like son. "No bad Charlie bad. We do not give boo boos!" Y/N scolded him while putting him in another room away from the others for ten minutes. No toys no nothin. Baaaad baby. Bad.

Once the ten minutes were up he decided to rest on Kuboyasu's lap. He'd never put him in time out. Right? "Aww hi Charlie" Kuboyasu happily pet the feline. Lola on the other hand couldn't give a damn about being petty about time outs. She undersands that time outs are for when you do something bad and but Baba still loves them both even after time outs so she happily leaped onto Y/N's lap for cuddles.

Once the lil get together was over Kuboyasu happily walked Y/N home with a sleeping Charlie in his arms and a sleeping Lola in Y/N's. After getting the lil sweeties to bed Y/N bid adieu to the sweet and kind Kuboyasu and went to bed with sweet dreams fluttering throughout their head for the rest of the night.

Today was a great day

[Updog ;)]

Lot shorter than the first mini episode but I thought it would be cute to have a lil bit of third person with the perspectives of the pets because if ya introduce a pet in the story ya can't just have them not be included. Actual biological family members though,  they don't matter. Fuck them. In less their cool like elder brother Trent whos only purpose is to be suppotive and cool.

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