🎼 George

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When Dante returned home, Danielle told him about the unexpected guest.

— Ah, it's just a buddy — he muttered as he slumped into his chair and rubbed his forehead. —He borrowed something and came to return it.

—Buddy. — Danielle rested her chin on her hand. —You're not going crazy again, are you?

Dante frowned and Hallie ran into the room, carrying the drawing in her hand.

—Uncle, look — she said and showed him her handiwork. — Nice, right?

—Lovely, darling — Dante smiled at her, still feeling his sister's watchful gaze on him. —Do you still have such pretty pictures?

—Yes — Hallie grinned, and Dante took her hand and led her into the room.

Danielle watched them go. She knew her brother like no one - Dante could not form a permanent relationship, his longest relationship lasted maybe half a year. He changed partners a lot and got excited about random sex in the past. Until he caught a venereal disease.

He treated it for a long time until it worked. He has been more careful since then, but probably not as he should be.

He recently broke up with his partner, and suddenly a guy much older than him shows up. He looked Turkish, but Danielle wasn't sure.

She was afraid that her brother would fall into this pathological obsession again. It will start with one random lover, then more. In the past, Dante could just go out and look for a willing guy for sex.


It was 7.30 pm when Danielle fed and put her daughter to sleep - which was done after a long while. When tired, she joined her brother in the living room, Dante ate a banana and said:

— Your mission has been successful.

—Yes — she replied, and tossed her hair back. —She fell asleep, and that's the most important thing.

—You know — he began, staring at the half of the banana eaten. — I want you to be calm. The guy you saw. He's just a buddy, besides, he has a steady partner.

—How do you know him?— Danielle raised an eyebrow. — Is he from a gay club or does he work in any specific industry? I don't know why, but the guy seems familiar.

— Me and Fadi used to work together — he explained. — Then he got a lifetime promotion and he doesn't have to work temporarily.

—Has he got a rich guy?— Danielle rolled her eyes. — Maybe it's some grandpa, huh?

— He has a specific boyfriend, it's true — Dante smiled mysteriously and took a bite of a banana. —But whatever — he waved his hand. —Fadi is fine, and there are some advantages to knowing him.

—I don't think it's anything illegal here, is it?— Danielle raised an eyebrow as they heard a loud knock on the door.

—Damn it— Danielle stood up. —If that's the way it is, I'll probably rent something. Your guests will always wake my baby up!

— Sorry — Dante tossed the banana on the coffee table and started to open it before the newcomer literally started pounding. When he opened the door, he stopped short.

— What are you doing here? — he asked in shock as the stranger burst in, shoving him out of the way. —George?

— He disappeared again. — That person was none other than George Michael. Danielle's eyes widened, and George bowed politely and focused on Dante again. — Forgive this incident, but I must know. I see you have a visitor, so can we, I don't know, go to another room for a while and talk?

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