🎼 Where Did Your Heart Go?

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September 17th, 2016.

Danielle had finished dealing with the lovely couple who had placed their order for the wedding session when her phone rang. Feelings sounded all over the room, and Danielle quickly apologized and rejected the call.

As the customers left, she quickly grabbed the phone and saw who was calling. The number she wrote down yesterday belonged to David Austin, a friend of George's.

Danielle called back and when he answered she said:

— David, I'm sorry I dropped the call, but I had clients. I'm free for the moment, what's going on?

—George will have a trial in three months — David muttered. —About this accident. I think he will be fined and banned from driving for a while. Anyway, he was asking about you again. While you were on the phone yesterday, he wants you to come here.

Danielle bit her lip. Ever since the incident, she had thought of George, barely able to concentrate on her own affairs.

Yesterday he called her and, after much hesitation, she agreed to an interview that lasted two hours. George apologized to her for being involved in all this, but she cut him off and told him not to think about it.

—What matters is that you weren't hurt — she whispered. — And the rest ... you'll get over this.

—If it weren't for you, it really could have been worse — George croaked and cried out. —Dani ... you really are an angel. Anselmo sent me a real angel.

Danielle didn't know what to say. She did not want to maintain his illusion that his deceased lover was really behind her appearance in his life. She waited for George to calm down; then he said:

— Maybe I don't appreciate what I have ... Good people around me. I want to see you, Dani. Can you come to my house today please?

Danielle took a deep breath - she was reassured that George had not been seriously physically injured and that David and his family had taken care of him, but she was not sure if longer contact was wise now.

She explained gently that she would think about it and let him know. George didn't push, and when they said goodbye she felt an inner impulse inside that he needed her. She had promised herself that she would distance herself from this account, but the mere accident and the fact that George fell into the grip of self-destruction prevented her from sitting idly by.

The strange thought struck her that only she could effectively influence him, that only she had that power. David and George's family did what they could, but the real key to George's success in healing was himself and she, Danielle.

Though she had promised she would speak up, George asked David to get Danielle to come to Highgate.

She thought her word was clear, but David started ringing furiously. Finally, Danielle muted the phone as Philippe began to stare at her at the situation. After all, she was at work - this is not a place and time for private affairs, unless that would be an exceptional situation.

When it struck 6 pm and Danielle was allowed to go home. She said goodbye to Philippe, who suddenly asked:

— Dany ... are you in trouble?

The woman looked at him and shook her head.

— No, why are you asking?

— You seem to have been worried for a while — he noted, and she saw concern in his eyes. —If you need help or time off, let me know.

— Thanks, Philippe, but it's not urgent — she replied. — Everything is fine.

Philippe stared at her for a long moment until he nodded.

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