🎼 I no longer know what is happening to me ...

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August 26th, 2016.

Danielle had been ignoring George's calls all day - was she feeling bad about it because she didn't really know what to say to him?

Yes our kiss was great but unfortunately nothing serious can happen between us as I still have love for my late husband. And I'm not ready for a new, romantic feeling. Friendship is something I can offer us. But that's it.

That's all. Danielle looked at the blinds that were not able to penetrate enough sunlight. She touched one of them with her finger, feeling strangely safe in a darkened room.

George Michael, but the real one, not the one on stage, just George, was the loveliest person she had met. Except for Emiliano.

I mean, yes, she knew nice men, after all, she had lived in this world for a while, but George was special. There was something about him that attracted to him, he attracted people to him like a magnet.

It was enough for Danielle to be in his company a little for her to lose herself. She felt a wonderful peace with him, this man created a sense of security, care, the belief that it can only be good.

Danielle looked at her wrist watch - it was 9 am. Hallie slept sweetly hugging her favorite teddy bear. The woman walked over to her, leaned over, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

Hallie hadn't even moved, she was just sleeping like a gopher. Danielle took her robe from the chair and threw it on. Her father was already at work, and her mother might or might not have sipped her morning coffee.

She picked up the phone and unlocked it. She saw that George had left her 20 missed calls and two SMSes. She wanted to delete the text messages when her curiosity and remorseful remorse won. She opened one SMS and read:


What's happening? What are you doing? Why are you ignoring my calls? Did you find my kiss and what I felt intrusive? If so, I am very sorry. I promise not to seek you this way anymore, but please - I don't want to give up on our friendship. I really like you.

Please pick up the phone.

She saw that the SMS was sent an hour ago. Danielle bit her lip and decided not to answer. The phone was on silent and she slipped it into her bathrobe pocket. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and quietly left the room, glad that Hallie was still asleep.

With the prognosis good, her daughter could sleep for another hour, which meant that she could make breakfast, drink coffee, and have a civilized conversation with Cindy.

As she walked towards the kitchen, she heard hushed voices. Her mother sometimes invited her neighbors, her friend Shannen, an eccentric fifty-year-old girl, and the mother of Sarah, a girl Danielle played with as a child, often dropped by.

As Danielle entered the kitchen she said:

— Morning.

A second passed before she looked at the kitchen table, or more precisely who was sitting there. It was a moment before her sleepy brain made her realize who she was seeing except her mother. A long moment as Danielle stopped and her eyes widened. She didn't need coffee to wake up effectively.

It was enough just to know that her mother was talking sweetly and drinking coffee with George Michael!

—Hi, honey.— Cindy was delighted and happy. She waved to Danielle, who was staring open-mouthed at George, who was eating the sweetest butter croissant Cindy had offered him, and winked at Danielle after a moment:

— Hi, Dani.

— What's going on here? — She asked after a moment, and Cindy rolled her eyes.

— Was that crap with Lisa Bennet necessary? George explained that you met through Dante and that you helped George choose a dog from the shelter. Honey, you were so weird when you came home yesterday. George explained that you must have been harmed by the food you ate at his house. It's sweet of him that he has decided to check in person how you feel.

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