🎼 However, I want more

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August 31th, 2016.

Danielle was coming home like on wings after finishing work - she had reasons to be happy.

Philippe praised her commitment and customers seemed satisfied with her service. She tried her best to be professional, but also as natural as possible.

She was walking towards the bus stop, earphones in her ears. She had been listening to George all the time lately, especially songs from the Faith period.

She listened to his other albums and to be honest, Faith's album was her favorite so far. She didn't like Older, who was dark and depressive. Danielle knew the circumstances in which it was created and that is probably why she did not like the repertoire from this album.

She was sick of death, depression, and other nasty threads. She still carried the piercing pain in her after Emiliano's death, but she knew she had to come back to life somehow.

Everyone admired her, how well they think she copes with the loss, how she tries to live on and be a good mother to Hallie. Danielle was trying to be nice and smiling, but a lot of that smile was a mask.

A mask that George seems to have discovered. Is that why they got closer so quickly? Because each of them had hardly healing wounds after the death of a loved one, and each of them was wearing a mask?

Danielle was pretending to be content with the other people, but she was actually choking everything up. When no one saw, she cried alone.

Now she felt better because she felt as if she had found a suitable comforter.

Tomorrow she and her family were to visit George at his estate in Goring. Her mother was very excited, but Danielle forbade her to brag about their relationship with the star. Cindy wasn't thrilled there, but she understood that it was necessary if they wanted to be alone. People imagined if someone suddenly enjoyed the favor of someone famous and wealthy. And thus, the queue of those who like to use such bonuses would grow quickly.

Danielle dismissed the very thought - she wasn't going to let that happen. George had done a little wrong to disclose their relationship so quickly to her family, but it was over.

She was already approaching the stop when someone suddenly honked. Danielle turned and was pretty sure it was George or that Fadi asshole, but it turned out the car that honked at her was used and belonged to her brother.

—Hey, bro!— Danielle was glad to see Dante. She hadn't seen him in days, and he hadn't given her a clear answer as to whether or not she would accept George's invitation. Dante stopped the car and Danielle quickly got into his polonaise.

When she was next to him, in the passenger seat, she smiled broadly and Dante said:

— Hi, Dani.

Without the usual smile; she did not care, but fastened her seat belt and asked:

— What happened that you decided to come for me?

— I don't know, maybe just wanting to see you? —  Dante started the engine and started driving, and Danielle laughed:

— It's a twin bond after all! Our separation cannot be long or we would go crazy without each other.

— I will — Dante was driving the car, looking seriously ahead. — But the side of this madness has another good coin. That I'd do anything for you.

—That's nice — Danielle began cautiously. Then she saw that they were not going towards their parents' house. —Wait, where are you taking me?

—Somewhere — he muttered. —We need to talk, for real. You better not distract me.

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