🎼 This happens when the desired man has chosen you, part two

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—Don't worry — Danielle hugged him, and as they walked in, Sheryl greeted them with a smile. The smile faded from her face as she saw Danielle's soiled cheek and George's soiled neck.

—What's wrong?— She asked, and George smiled politely;

— Nothing, is our surprise still here?

—Yes, sir — Sheryl nodded.

—Fine, come on Dani.— George took her hand as he led her into the living room. As he opened the door, she heard the voice she missed most in the world:

— Mommy?

— Mommy?

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Danielle burst into tears when she saw Hallie running toward her, arms outstretched. She grabbed her in her arms and hugged her. She smelled her daughter's scent, pressed her face against the baby's hair.

—Honey, I'm finally with you — Danielle whispered. — We're together.

—We're all together again — she heard a cheerful voice, and then she saw her brother and her parents.

—  Mom, Dad — Danielle was glad to see them. — It's a surprise.

—We were looking forward to you — Dustin walked over to her and hugged his daughter and granddaughter. Then he touched her cheek. — Honey, what's that dirty?

—Nothing significant.— Danielle held Hallie while Cindy surveyed George for a moment. Then she walked over to her daughter and hesitated to hug her, as if she was afraid Danielle would punch her.

—Hi, Mom— Danielle broke down and put her arm around Cindy. — Good to see you.

—George thought about it — Dustin said. —So we can come here after a nice dinner.

— Dinner? — Danielle looked at George, and he looked away.

—We ate at a fancy restaurant — Cindy began. —Of course Mr. Russell was watching over us, that's nice, George. And then we came here.

—Yes.— Hallie touched her mother's hair. —We came for you. Are we going home?

Danielle didn't even look at George. Hallie is only a four-year-old child, but her words must have meant something to him.

Hallie, we live here — Danielle said gently but firmly. —Here is our home now.

Hallie pursed her lips, and Dustin offered to speak to her. Then Dante walked over to his sister and hugged her tightly. He shook hands with George, who nodded.

— Unfortunately, I will not stay for dinner, sorry — Dante began. — I have to go somewhere ...

—Where are you going?— Danielle raised an eyebrow. — It can wait ...

You have your own, and my partner is waiting for me with his own dinner.— Dante looked her straight in the eyes, and George frowned. —I'm glad you came back safe and sound.

As Dante said goodbye and left, George said he and Danielle would be back in a moment. As he led her out of the living room, Danielle asked:

— Where are we going?

—In the bedroom to change clothes — George explained. —I'm as dirty as you are, remember?

After they disappeared into the bedroom, George went to the closet, opened it, and pulled off his sweaty t-shirt. He wiped by this his neck dirty with rotten tomato juice, and Danielle went to the bathroom to wash her face.

As she turned on the faucet and washed her face under the water, she heard footsteps. When she looked at herself in the mirror opposite, she saw George.

—You're coming from behind me — she said cheerfully, and he walked over to her and put his arm around her waist. He kissed her cheek and his hand slid down to her jeans.

—Don't even think about it — she said sweetly. —My parents and my baby are here ...

—A minute is not an eternity.— George kissed her lips, and she quickly succumbed to him. They kissed passionately for a moment when George stopped doing it and quickly turned her over to the sink. She gripped the hem with her hands and he pushed her pants and thong down.

He slapped her hard on the ass until she flinched. Then the second and third.

Hey — she began and looked at him over her shoulder. — Come on, I don't feel like it right now.

—It's a small punishment — he murmured as he began massaging her buttocks. —For hiding something from me.

—I'm not hiding anything from you — she murmured, and he slapped her again. —George!

— Yes? And the fact that Dante and Fadi are a couple?

Here it hurt him, Danielle thought as she heard the sound of the belt being unbuckled and then the sound of the foil tearing. George ran a finger over her anus and, using his saliva, gently entered her. His thrusts weren't hard, and she once again entered the ecstasy of having sex with him.

—I'm not jealous, no — George croaked. —Fadi is a thing of the past, but it was weird to run into him and your brother in the city. Besides, isn't that an abnormal coincidence? My ex-boyfriend is your brother's boyfriend now, and you are with me.

He started hitting her ass harder, and Danielle thought it was just a moment longer and she would go crazy. Eventually he withdrew and removed the condom from his manhood. He tossed it in the basket and tucked in the boxer shorts and pants. Danielle did the same, then walked over to him and put her hand on his chest:

—I knew my brother was with Fadi, but I didn't want to bother you with that. They also have a joint business. Are you angry?

At you?— George smiled. — I couldn't be, honey.

They looked each other straight in the eye and kissed and went quickly to change their clothes. Danielle was wearing sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, George was wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

Dinner passed in a polite if slightly stiff atmosphere - largely because of Danielle's parents. Unaware of anything, only little Hallie seemed to be, constantly screaming for someone's attention.

George and Danielle presented Cindy and Dustin and little Hallie with gifts.

Dustin was impressed with the Cartier watch, and Cindy stared speechless at the Dior dress and the diamond earrings.

—It's a beautiful but expensive gift — Dustin was intimidated. — I do not know...

—Just take it, Dustin — George said. —It'll be easier.

Dustin nodded.

—Thank you, George.— Dustin looked at him as he embraced his daughter. —Thank you both.

—Neither do I.— Cindy was polite, but still couldn't be convinced of her daughter's new relationship. Even despite the fact that Danielle's partner was Cindy's idol.

After Russell went to pick up Cindy and Dustin, and Danielle went to put Hallie to sleep, George went out on the balcony to light a cigarette.

He leaned against the railing and began to smoke, thinking about his immediate plans. At the end of the month, he was waiting for the premiere of a new solo album, with fresh hits that his fans had been demanding for years.

His fans ... today showed that they can be against him, but that's okay. It didn't matter, what mattered now was his happiness with Danielle. 

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