🎼 Appearances are an illusion

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September 15th, 2016.

Danielle's routine was as follows: work half the day, then enjoy her daughter, a quick shower, dinner, and going to bed. On Sundays, if she wasn't busy, she was seeing Kristen and the two were rebuilding an old friendship.

Danielle explained to Kris that her ex-partner attacked her in the toilet and forced her to leave the cafe. Kristen was agitated and even advised her to call the police, but Danielle said she didn't want problems.

As for George, Danielle hadn't seen him since the memorial conversation on the pier. He didn't write to her or call her. To be fair, she removed his number from her contact list on the phone.

She slowly realized that her decision had hurt George, and George didn't seem to want to see her anymore. She had to accept it and slowly came back to reality, trying to forget the short but intense time with George Michael.

Every few days she saw Dante, who fully devoted himself to his social life. She learned from him that George was involved in the work on the new album and went on a short vacation to Malta. He did not break off with Dante, but their contact loosened.

Danielle knew it was because of her, but she didn't care. George went back to his old life that he loved, and she went back to her own routine.

When she finished her job, she decided to visit her brother. She was going to surprise him, so he knew nothing.

When she reached Dante's house on foot, she checked that the front door was locked. She pressed the handle lightly and found that he had left the door open. She entered discreetly and headed towards the room when she heard soft moans from his bedroom. The door was ajar so she saw that Dante had a lover.

Danielle noticed some guy was doing fellatio to her brother, and she was twisted with disgust. She looked more closely and was surprised to find it was Fadi. He must have sensed someone's presence as well, as he opened his eyes wide and pulled away from Dante's penis. He screamed, and Danielle quickly stepped back.

— What's going on? — Dante asked, and Fadi hissed:

— Your sister is here!

— Shit! — Dante got angry and quickly pulled on his boxer shorts. — Dani, I'll murder you!

Danielle waited for him to come out to her. Dante left and stared at her.

—What's gotten into you?— He asked angrily. — Couldn't you let me know you were coming?

—I wanted to surprise you — she muttered and looked at Fadi. —But I see you have some specific surprises here.

Fadi blushed and Dante said harshly:

— Give it up, Danielle. Is what you want to talk about urgent?

—Yes. — Danielle nodded and Fadi said:

— I'll go to the bathroom.

After he disappeared, Dante went to the kitchen. He put the kettle on and asked:

— Do you want coffee?

—No thanks — Danielle said. —Are you and Fadi a couple?

— Maybe. Are you jealous?

—Maybe — Danielle rolled her eyes. — Now that's completely fucked up, right? You're with Fadi, and I ...  — She broke off, remembering that no one was supposed to know about it, especially George's ex-lover.

— I know what's going on — Dante sat on the stool by the kitchenette. — Only me and Fadi have been together before. Then we broke up, he was with George. And now we're back together. Was George ... talking to you?

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