🎼 Brother's concern, part one

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September 22th, 2016.

When one paparazzi catches a trail, others will follow him.

The information that George Michael was seen with a woman and one that he publicly and freely kissed, caused a great stir among the media and George fans.

Has George Michael ceased to be gay, or is he bisexual? Who is the secret beauty kissed by the star?

Is this some kind of provocation? George Michael and an attractive young woman? What is George up to?

George Michael is heterosexual after all? Did a young, mysterious woman make him change his orientation?

There were more similar headlines and supposed theories. Danielle did not go to websites, and George's housekeeper was forbidden to bring any newspapers.

Danielle spent the days with Hallie, trying to stay away from the windows - paparazzi chatted along the fence, hoping to take a photo of George and Danielle. Perhaps they did not know yet that the mysterious chosen one lived with him.

—I can't — Danielle leaned against the wall and watched Sheryl, George's landlady, wipe the kitchenette. — Something different from someone's life, and such a stir.

— That's what journalists are like.— Sheryl, a woman in her fifties, shrugged. —Don't worry.

Danielle frowned and backed away. Both of George's housekeepers, Sheryl and Gwen, were polite to her, but she couldn't help feeling that they were looking at her sidelong. It could feel the distance they had created. Is it because of what happened between her and George? Did they think of her as a fortune hunter?

Fuck it, Danielle thought and decided she would go to the library and pick a book to read. Ever since George had made her stay home - until things had calmed down, she had gone literally crazy.

She couldn't clean or cook because George was on duty. That's why she took care of Hallie, read something, sometimes watched something. But if she was honest - it wasn't for her.

As a woman, she wanted to take care of her man and her home, but she couldn't, because this man had employees who did what she used to do until recently.

Danielle scowled and when she disappeared into the library she felt at peace. She had time to herself - Hallie was just asleep and the housekeepers went about their chores.

She went to one of the bookshelves and picked up one of the books.

David Copperfield, that's good. Danielle sat down in a comfortable armchair and began leafing through the unique volume. Suddenly something fell out of there, a piece of paper.

Danielle raised an eyebrow and picked it up. She saw that it was a letter. She felt a certain limit and wanted to put it back in the book, but curiosity won. She unfolded the paper and discovered it was a letter written by George's mother.

Feeling that she was entering an extremely delicate and intimate zone, she felt remorse and decided to look only at a fragment. At the very end, Mrs. Lesley wrote:

I don't want you to be unhappy about my departure. Please be happy and love with all your might. I hope you and Kenny will be together forever.

Danielle bit her lip and quickly tucked the letter into her book.

They really had to make love - George and Lesley. When she died, some part of her died with him. He has lost Anselmo and his mother, and thus has two wounds that still won't heal.

Then there was Kenny, numerous romances and Fadi. Meanwhile, drugs, alcohol, and legal problems. Plus severe pneumonia and almost death. Will this man ever be free from the horrors of life?

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