🎼 This happens when the desired man has chosen you, part one

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September 13th, 2016.

Danielle stared at the panorama of Paris in front of her. They were together with George on the Eiffel Tower.

She took a deep breath, touched by the wonder of the sight as George held her tight. They had the whole floor to themselves as he took care of it.

Yesterday they were at Disneyland, where they played and felt like children.

Today was their last day in Paris, and with the floor dedicated to them, George made it romantic.

So there was a table, a white tablecloth, candles, a mariachi singer who sang them a nostalgic love song, in which George held Danielle's hand, staring deeply into her eyes.

When the singer left and the waiter brought them a special dish, Danielle felt special.

—This is definitely not our last time in France — he said as they ate. George poured himself some wine and also some Danielle. —Maybe you and I will go to the Caribbean with Hallie soon?

— George, calm down — Danielle smiled politely. —It's too much ... you don't have to go crazy like that.

—But I want to — he replied firmly. — We will go together and appreciate the wonders that such a trip has to offer. You're gonna like it.

They were silent for a moment, then he added:

— It's great to go with someone you really want to be there with. I can't imagine going without my soulmate. —He gave her a big smile. — And her wonderful babygirl, Hallie.

— Why don't we take your sister or my brother? — Danielle asked. — A nanny for the baby will come in handy.

— A nanny can always be hired — George winked at her. — Honey, this is strictly private time, additional people are unnecessary. I just want you and that baby.

When they finished eating, George stood up and took something out of his pocket. It was a small box, and Danielle's eyes widened.

No, he was mad ... George noticed her shock and timidly interjected:

— It's not what you think. It's a ring, yes, but let's call it a ring of hope.

—George — she wanted to protest, but he put a finger to her lips.

—It's a special gift — he whispered and opened the box. She saw a golden ring with a large glowing bright eye.

—It's a diamond — she said, shocked, and he took her hand and put on the ring. — George, that scares me ...

—Don't let that scare you — he said firmly, and pulled her to him. —This ring ... is the ring of hope. That you would never doubt in us, in our feelings and, above all, in me. I'm not perfect, but all I know is that I want to love sincerely. Love you.

Then he attacked her lips and began kissing passionately. She threw her arms around his neck, indulging herself in the wave of affection she had for him and that strange envelope in which she desperately wanted to believe.

Let us love and be happy, it is possible!

Leap to the Future, December 20th, 2016.

Danielle took off the ring that was meant to be a foreshadowing of what he couldn't promise her. She left it on the dresser - she took one last look at the bedroom they had shared for several months.

Dante was waiting for her in the hallway - he was leaning against the wall as Danielle left, closing the bedroom door. She looked sadly at her brother who said:

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