Evil [Part 2.]

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Evil [Part 2.]

I smiled at myself in the mirror looking at my swollen black eye...my big busted lip...my broken nose that is split on the side...and cut open eyebrow that August left me with. For this he will pay. I seriously want his balls to dangle from my hands. I might sound crazy but tell me if you looked like me would you just let hik pass by with it. Ha! I also sent my bodyguard to find him....he eventually did and now we are on our way for pay back. I picked up my red and gold MK bag full of supplies I'll need. I smiled grimly at my bodyguard heading out the front door to his office.
I walked up the spiral steps to August big Luxury apartment. I let my bodyquard go in and roughin August and his bodyquards up a little bit.

"Come in Y/n" I heard my bodyguard say. I walked in slowly and looked around. He had August Two bodyquards on the floor tied up while he had August in a chair tied with his hands tied behind him.

"Hey, I came for another party Man ...Why you sitting in the chair get up!" I walked in front of him dropping my bag next to him.

"You stupid bitch" August yelled spitting in my face.

I laughed.

"You will regret that" I turned and open my supply bag. I took out some garden tool cutters. He was only in a towel, his body was wet I could see his perfect abs and body. I unwrapped his towel revealing his manhood. "Still hanging in there huh?" I open my tool cutters and put them on both sides of his balls.

"No No No! Crazy ass hoe....What are you doing?" He started to struggle in his chair but got nowhere.  I closed the cutters a little bit on his balls.

"I might just be" I laughed loud. "Now tell me you love me .....if I believe i'll leave and you will never see me again...." I chuckled. "But if I don't ....so god help me you'll be saying bye bye precious"

|A/n: had hard time writing thiswithout jumping up and down in excitement.|

He hesitated. I closed the cutters alittle more on his balls making him bleed a little. I laugh how high he squealed.

"Babygirl I LOVE YOU ....DAMN NOONE CAN TAKE YOU PLACE. OH I LIVE FOR YOU ....MAYNE I BE ON BOTH KNEES TELLIN YOU I LOVE YOU" He cried out loud. I wanted to scare him like he scared me. He need to cry.

"Well how sweet" I said holding a long pause. "But I don't believe you"

I closed the cutter slowly little by little around his balls digging inside his skin.

"PLEASE DONT ....JUST TAKE THE MONEY....." August screamed.

I stopped.

"What money?" I asked.

"It in the draw Y/n" I got up and walked to the dresser.

"Good girl ....go get it" August poodles me while out of breath.

I shoot him a glare.

"Do not treat me like a damn dog" I screamed letting out my long lost my Jamaican ascent.

I continued to the draw and pulled out the money.

"How much?" My bodyguard Steven says.

I counted it quick then replyed $1000

I tossed it to him ...running up on august with the cutter closed.

"This doesn't mean you off for what the hell you did .....you see me?...LOOK AT ME!"

He didn't looked at me ....I sighed and nodded at my bodyguard. He cut August ropes making him fall out his chair weeping over his bloody balls.

I shook my head and walked out the room.

He has fucked up bloody balls.

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