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August Pov

"No! , You can't have that necklace Ashauti Damn!" I yelled.

(A/N: The picture of the neclace is in the Media.)

"What! you never get me necklaces!" She pouts.

Turns head sideways "Now all thoses necklaces you have on that dresser in the room and i never get you necklaces"

"Whatever" She said rolling her eyes. "I'll be out in the car" She walked out.

She always getting mad when she don't get what she wants, i went over to the necklace and looked at it, it was pretty but i'm pretty sure she has one like this.

"How much is this" i asked the lady behind the counter.


"Put that shit in a box!"

She grabbed it and started to bag it up.

"You must really love her" She asked,

"Yeah with all my heart but she so spoiled, when she see something she wants she gets it and i don't get nothing in return" i Said Narrowly.

"O" She handed the bag to me.

I went out of the hair store to find my car, i went in there to get some hair spray for my curls and she sees jewlery. Why can't a hair store only have Hair Stuff in it, and jewerly have Jewerly.

I Walked up to my car and got in. i cranked up the car and looked at her. she was on her phone scrolling threw instagram and still pouting.

"Here!" I said throwing the box in her lap.

She Opened it.

"OMG! Thank you baby!" She said smiling.

I pulled off.


August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now