Conversation with Writer

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This is a chat of if me and august was to talk to each other.

Me - Hey August!

August - Who Is this? Is this that crazy chick that said she'll suck my dick if i fuck her?

Me- Tf! No This Writer RiRi_Mac on Wattpad...i write books, and sum of them are about you.

August - Oh, Wazzup..Oh laJitt I'll Check Them Out.

Me - Oh, okay, Don't lie.

August - I Pinkie Promise!

Me - Im not crazy or anything but i take my Pinkie promises very serious, so If you don't read them and Comment, Im going to have to Break You pinkie Okay?

August - iIGHT, Damn! But i'll Ttyl.

Me - Pinkie Promise?

August - I'm Done Pinkie Promising With you ,Bye 

[August is Offline]

Me - Awwe, Why?

Me - Helloooo?

Me - Answer Me!

[August have now Blocked you from his Page]

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now