Jail. Ⓡequest to @GxldChxrmm

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August abuses and rapes me like everyday. He does cocain. Well one day someone called the cops on him and they came banging on our door. I thought that was a great opportunity to leave his ass. I smirked because his ass was going down. He stuffed all the crack under the couch. Dumbass. The cops came in with dogs and food the shit under the couch and alittle more that was stashed away. HOW BOUT! This niggaroach tell them that I used the cocain and he trys to tell me to stop. The cops put me in hand cuff while August shit his Sissy fide ass over there and fake cry.

Don't worried I TOKE IT TO COURT.

*Flash back*

"I swear on everything I never used drugs" I yelled.

"Can we have Mr. Alsina to the stand" the Judge said.

He walked up there and sat down.

"August would you tell us your side"

"Gladly,  well you see Monae uses drug every since she was 15, now she is 23 and just wont quit I tell her constantly to stop" He started fake crying. "She even killed our child."

"Well it says here you murdered 3 people Mrs. Alsina" the judge said.


"I didn't asked you to speak" she interrupted me.

I sat back in my seat and didn't say a word because I didn't wanna be held guilty

(34 minutes later)

"All rise" the judge said. "I here by say under the justice of law that Monae Serinity Alsina is guilty and is sentenced 5 to 7 years unless bailed" she hit the malet on the holder.

"NO! NOT GUILTY NOT GUILTY....CHECK MY DRUG TEST IM CLEAN!" The cop slammed me on the ground. I got up and ran to August. "IM GONNA KILL YOU BITCH!" I got a hold of his neck but only to be pulled off by that strong ass cop again. I had no one as a witness on my side but August hand the whole damn world! "YOU SAID I WONT GO TO JAIL!" I yelled until I was finally pulled out of the court room.

*Flash back OVER*

August always Know how to get to me. I got bail sooner or later. They bail bond told me it was a man name 'Visa' who bailed me. I met 'Visa', he is very sweet and loving. We told each other we loved on another but we just looked in each other eyes trying to be serious but bust out laughing. I don't think were ready for love just yet.

August Alsina ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now