39. The Inbetween Stage

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-Harry's POV-

Beep Beep Beep Beep

How did this happen? Everything was fine one minute and the next it is complete shit. Here I am sitting in a hospital room watching my girlfriend sleep. I hear the door open and Zayn walks in.

"Doc said that she hit her head on the way down the stairs. She should wake up soon," He says while sitting down next to me. "He's gone."

"What?" I turn my head to him.

"He passed as soon as she left the room. I couldn't go after her because Mum was a mess." Zayn mumbles.

"I can't believe this. How is your Mum?"

"She's quiet now. She was crying hysterically when it first happened and a nurse had to come and help calm her down." Zayn chokes up.

I pat him on the back, "And you Zayn?"

He wipes his eyes and nods his head, "I'll be fine. I'm just worried about how V is going to take it." He sighs.

"You and me both," I say while grabbing V's hand. Wake up soon baby please. Zayn and I sit in silence for a few minutes until another doctor comes in. He opens a new folder and stares at it with confusion on his face.

"What's going on?" Zayn asks.

"Oh nothing. It's just that she should have woken up by now. I don't understand." He says.

"What? What do you mean 'she should have'?" I ask while standing up. These are the worlds dumbest fucking doctors.

"W-well you see we received this new treatment for medically induced comas and she is the first to try it out," He stutters out.

"YOU GAVE HER SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T TEST BEFORE? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?" I get up and go to yell in his face but Zayn is holding me back. Smart move.

"Whoa what's going on in here?" Liam comes in.

"Vara might be under for a little longer than anticipated." The stupid ass Doctor says.

Liam folds his arms against his chest. "How long are we talking?" If this man says years I will kick his ass.

"Just a few days. Her brain is showing signs of activity for now which is a go-,"

"For now?" I cut him off. "What do you mean for now?" I ask nervously.

"It just means that for her to wake up, she is going to have to find her way back. She is deep in her subconcious state of mind right now. If we wake her up abruptly we could potentially damage certain parts of her brain." He explains.

Zayn lets me go and I sit next to Var again and hold her hand. Liam thanks the Doc and he leaves. Zayn sits back down next to me and Liam pulls a chair from the other side of the room and sits on the other side of her.

"So she basically has to wake up on her own?" Zayn asks.

"Yup, she has to find her way back." Liam sighs.

-Vara's POV-

I open my eyes and all I see is white. Everything is white. I stand up and notice that I am in my favorite Demi shirt and jeans. What the? Wasn't I in the hospital just a few seconds ago? I look farther in front of me and I notice a hallway...creepy.

I decided to just go for it and walk down the hallway...As I get closer I hear a TV...Is that FoodNetwork I hear? I open the door at the end of the hallways and tears spring to my eyes.

"Dad?" I can't believe this. I am now in my living room and Dad is sitting on the couch. Perfectly healthy with no cane and a head full of hair. What is going on?

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