26. Surprise!!

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"Jeans?" I ask him once again.

"Y-yes," he laughs over the screen.

"You're working out in jeans?" I shake my head.

"Yes Var," he says as he continues to run on the treadmill with his shirt off.

"But your guy stuff can't breathe in those skinny jeans H," I laugh.

He tilts his head back and laughs the beautiful laugh that I love, "Don't worry baby, the goods are okay."

"Good." I blush and smile into the camera. We are FaceTimeing while I'm in my dressing room and it has been 3 weeks since the start of my tour... I miss the gang terribly but I love the feeling when I'm on stage in front my fans, it's breath taking.

"When does your meet and greet start?" He asks as he wipes his forehead with his head band once he is done running.

I look at time on the phone, "It starts in 20 minutes," I pout at him.

He pouts back and he looks so cute, I screenshot the screen when we pout at the same time.

"Send it to me love," he says as he smiles again. I send it to him and I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I yell to whoever was knocking.

"Vara we have to start going," Sarah, my assistant, says to me from the door.

"Okie dokie," I smile to her. She leaves and I look back at the screen to see Harry smiling at me.

"I have to go babe," I say sadly.

"Okay V, I love you. And remember no proposals." He winks.

"Same to you Haz," I smirk at him.

"I can't help it, I do have a lot of wives and girlfriends you know," he laughs.

"Yes but you are my curly fry remember that,"

"I'll always be your curly fry...even when my hair isn't curly anymore..." He trails off. I miss him so much.

"I love you Harry."

He blushes and smiles at me, "I love you more Var. I'll talk to you later yeah?"

I sigh, "Okay, I'll talk to you later my Curly fry," I tease him.

He rolls his eyes playfully, "Bye my crazy fangirl," I scoff and he sticks his tongue out before hanging up. Crazy kid.

I put my phone in my pocket and fix my braid before leaving my dressing room. As I'm walking to the meet and greet area I feel my phone vibrate.

@Harry_Styles: Pretty Pouty @VeryVara :)

He posted the screenshot I sent to him. I want to mess with him....

@VeryVara: OMG @Harry_Styles JUST CALLED ME PRETTY JFODMWOC #FangirlMode #CrazyFangirl #JustAJoke

@Harry_Styles: #VaraIsAWeirdo #MissMyFangirl

@VeryVara: #MissMyCurlyFry but I have to go get proposed to now so byeeeeee @Harry_Styles ;)

I put my phone away and walk up to Sarah and wait to meet the fans.

--Harry's POV--

"Harry!" I hear a yell from downstairs.

"Coming!" I yell back as I put a shirt and jeans on... I just took a shower if you were wondering. I walk downstairs to see Mum in the kitchen washing dishes.

I walk up to her and kiss her cheek. "Hi love, I made you a sandwhich. It's over there," She points her head behind her and I look at the counter and see the sandwhich that she made me.

My Sunshine // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now