32. Birthday Celebrations Pt. 1

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Knock Knock Knock

I knock on the door and step back to wait for someone to open it for me. I'm back in the UK and I left my damn keys in my room. Good job Vara.

"Coming!" I hear Mum yell from inside. She pulls open the door and I immediately bear hug her.

"Mum! I missed you!"

"My little angel! Come on in!" She pulls away and grabs my bags as I walk inside. "Why don't you go up to your room?" She winks at me. I smile and race up the stairs. Who could be here already? Harry said he was coming tomorrow...the day of my birthday. I open the door and I am being pulled into one giant bear hug by 5 people all at once.

"What are you all doing here?!" I yell excitedily once I pull away and see all my girl friends here.

"I promised you a girls night when I was in town didn't I?" Gemma says while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Girls Night tonight? But I just got ba-" I whine.

"Even more of a reason to celebrate!" Perrie says.

"Come on, put a hot dress on and show Harry what he is missing," Ely says while pushing me into the bathroom. Once I'm in there I start to get ready.


"One more! Funny face now girls." Mum says from behind Eleanor's iphone. We pose and Eleanor posts it on Twitter. I retweet it and save the picture to my phone.

"Alright girls, let's get in the limo!" Gemma yells as she pushes all of us out the door.

"Limo?!" I smile at all the girls. Wow. They really went all out.

"It's for your birthday celebration V," El says as she hugs me.

Once we get in the limo, we are off to the club. There is a bit of traffic but we spend the time listening to music and drinking champange that the driver put out for us.

I feel my phone vibrate and smile once I see who it is. Sophia turns the music down so I can pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hi lov-"

"Babbeeeeee! I miss you so so so much!" I say while laughing.

"I miss you too love, u-um I have to tell you something," He says in a serious tone.

The smile is replaced with a frown on my face, "What's wrong?"

"Promise not to get mad baby?" He says quietly.

"I can't promise that Harry, what is it?" I start to get worried...

"Please please don't be mad V..."

"Harry just tell me," I whisper. I look around at the girls and they have worry written on all their faces.

"I'm not gonna be able to make it tomor-" I hang up before he can even finish.

"What did he say?" Sophia asks as the car stopped and we are already at the club.

"Let's just party okay?" I say while stepping out and holding back my tears. I can't believe he would do this to me....


"Ow," I mumble as I squint my eyes. I look around to see my bedroom and I breathe out a sigh of relief. My head hurts like a bitch.

"Morning sleepy head," Eleanor says as she walks in the room with a bottle of water and two tylanol.

"What happened?" I ask as I sit up and gladly take the tylanol.

"You had a little too much fun." Oh...I remember now...I had alot of champange and danced like crazy...I tried to forget about what Harry told me...didn't work...

"Does your head hurt too?" I ask her.

"Not at all. We didn't drink anything when we got in the club...well only Ely did...but the rest of us were worried about you..." She sighs as she sits on the edge of the bed.

I look down at my hands, "I'm okay El, I promise."

"I'm sorry Harry can't celebrate your birthday with you..." she trails off.

"I can just spend the rest of the year with him, one day without him isn't going to kill me." I try to convince myself. I smile sadly at her to let her know that I'm okay.

She sighs, "Let's go shopping." She stands up. "Get ready and meet us downstairs in 10." She leaves the room. I lay back...today is my birthday...I just wish my baby was here to celebrate with me.


"Why did you guys make me change into the new clothes I just bought?" I ask as we walk up to the house door. We spent the entire day shopping and eating. The girls made me stop at literally EVERY store. They paid for everything which I felt bad about..and still do. It's almost 10:30 at night now...Harry hasn't texted me all day...

"Its your birthday outfit so you must wear it on your birthday," Perrie cheerfully says.

"What is the point? Its not like anyone is going to see-"

"SURPRISE!" I look up and see the door wide open and I see all the decorations and all my friends and some family members inside. I step inside shocked.

"W-what is this?" I stutter out as I look at how many balloons are on the ceiling. Everyone else goes back to partying as Mum comes up to me.

"Happy Birthday Darling! Didn't think we forgot did you?" She laughs as the girls smile at me.

"How did you do this by yourself Mum! It must have taken you all day." I look at her in shock.

"Oh I had some help." She nods behind her and I look over her shoulder and my eyes widen in shock.

"Liam!" I run to him and give him a big hug. "Li what are you doing here?"

"I'm not going to miss my best friends birthday." He smiles warmly at me.


"Missed us Sis?" I hear another distinct voice from behind me. I turn around to see Zayn, Niall, and Louis. I smile at all of them but I can't help but think of who isn't here...

"Lou! Okay you guys are magicians. I swear. How did you plan all this without me knowing?" I hug them all.

"Oh we didn't do this. We were just the help." Niall says.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Then who did?"

Louis points to Zayn. I start to tear up, "Zee you did this for me?"

He sheepishly smiles and scratches the back of his neck, "I knew how much turning 17 meant to you so I thought I should do something special."

I hug him around the waist and he hugs back.

"Aww group hug!" Louis says as the rest of the boys hug Zayn and I.

After a while I start to struggle to breathe. "G-guys...Can't breathe,"

"Shhh. V, we are being cute." Liam says.

"Lads-" I hear a certain someone say from behind me. "- You're going to break my girlfriend and I kind of need her." He playfully adds.

No. He can't be here...he said he couldn't come... I gasp and turn around. All I could do was stand there smiling...too happy to form words.

He is here...My baby....My Curly Fry...


GUYSS I am so sorry I am late, school has been kicking my ass. But hopefully this will make up for it :)

Thanksgiving is almost here!! Who is excited? What is your favorite food to eat on thanksgiving? Mine is stuffing :)

<3 <3 <3


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