10. Cheeky V

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"Let's do it again!" I yell from inside the recording booth. Zayn and a couple of producers are outside the booth listening and fixing my last song for my demo. Yes I just said DEMO! I have decided that I will make a demo consisting of 8 songs to give to Mr. Simon Cowell himself. Yes I'm scared shitless but hey, you only live once right?

The producers play the track back so I can add lib to one of my songs, La La Land. This is the last song off the demo and it needs to be perfect. The demo includes: This Is Me, Two Worlds Collide, Believe In Me, Falling Over Me, Obsessed, This Is Me (Acoustic), Gift of A Friend, and Trainwreck.

Once I'm done recording the add libs, I step out the booth. "How was that?"

"It was great! Ready to give it to Simon?" Zayn asked. I was going to have a meeting with Simon later in the afternoon.

"Yeah I'm ready...a little nervous but I guess nerves are good right?" I babble.

"V, don't worry, you are going to kill the meeting yeah?"

"Yeah, I'm going to kill the meeting. I'm going to be fierce like how the queen would want me to be." I say more to myself.

"And by queen you're referring to Demi?" Zayn asks teasingly.

"Duh! Who else?" We laugh together.


Okay. I have my demo in my hand and am ready to impress Simon like no tomorrow.

"Ms. Malik, Simon is ready for you now," the receptionist tells me. I walk in to his office and sit down. He is just like how I remembered him. Simon and I have met before and I'm sure he remembers me because he said I had spunk...whatever that is.

"Hello Vara. How are you today?" He asks with a slight smile.

"I'm fine, how are you Simon?" I ask back with a smile of my own. I learned that you have to be tough and confident when speaking to important people in the business. It shows potential.

"I'm good Vara. I understand that you have a demo you wanted me to listen to."

"Yes I did." I give it to him. "Now I know that you probably get a million demos handed to you daily but I hope that my demo shows you my dedication considering I recorded 8 songs in less than 2 weeks, all original. I also put an acoustic version to prove my talent. No auto-tune, no funky voice changes. Just me and a piano." I say professionally. He looks impressed.

"I see. Well it looks like you have given this a lot of thought and effort." He says with a smirk.

"Of course I did. Why wouldn't I?" I answer without missing a beat. I want people to know that I put my all into my work. Its my heart and soul in that demo.

"You are quite fiesty aren't you? You must be hanging around the boys too much. Anyway, I will listen to the demo and give you a call." He stands up and puts his hand out. I shake it with a tight grip to let him know that I mean business. He laughs a bit when I smile at him and leave.

My heart is pounding a mile a minute. That must have been the scariest thing I have ever done. I want to tell Dad right now. I leave the building and take the bus to the hospital. Once I enter the elevator I sigh and smile to myself. I am actually really proud of myself for being so assertive. I walk into Dad's room to see him sitting up eating his lunch watching Food Network, of course.

"Hi Dad!" I say while hugging him and kissing him on the cheek. "Guess where I was just at?"

"The recording studio? That's like your second home now." He laughs to himself.

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