21. Admitting to Alan Carr

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I wake up with my arm around Var's waist and us spooning. I see her hickey and can't help but smile in pride. She's mine, that's my mark. She's going to have to use her hair to cover it up. Her lips are parted and I hear her little snores. She is so damn cute. She took my shirt from the floor last night and wore it to bed and I couldn't be happier because she looks so sexy in my clothes.

I kiss her head and get up to go to my guest room and put a shirt on before the boys look at me weird. I hope they don't make any connections because I don't know how Zayn will react. I head downstairs after brushing my teeth and see Louis, Liam, and Niall at the table. Zayn is probably still sleeping.

"Hey guys," I say in my morning voice. Liam and Niall mumble Hi and go back to their phones.

"Hey Haz," Louis smirks at me. "Nice sex hair." He says and Liam and Niall look at me with wide eyes.

"It's not sex hair!" I whisper yell to them. "We didn't have sex guys."

"Mmhm," Louis keeps smirking at me.

I sigh, "We just did stuff..." I say quietly.

"Styles! You've only been going out for a mon-" Liam says.

"Oh please Liam, like you and Sophia waited that long before you did stuff." Louis rolls his eyes at Liam.

"Whatever." Liam rolls his eyes.

"Hope you guys had fun," Niall winks at me and lifts his eyebrows up and down.

"Yeah but not too much fun," Liam grumbles.

"Payno! As much as the fans used to call you Daddy direction, you're not her Dad. Just chill out and let the love birds have fun." Louis says. This is why I love Louis; he always has my back.

"I'm happy for you guys. Just be careful. She is still 16, don't forget that." Liam warns me.

I nod and go to the kitchen to get some breakfast...I actually forgot about her age to be honest. I hope I didn't push her too far last night...

"Hey babe." Var walks up to me and kisses my cheek. She changed her clotes and is now wearing an old Jonas Brother shirt and black leggings.

I put a hand to my heart and pretend to be hurt, "Var, a Jonas Brothers shirt, how could you?"

She laughs and hits my stomach, "Shut up! They were the best!"

"Who was your favorite?" I smile at her.

"At first it was Joe then Nick for a while and then Kevin but it went back to Nick." she rambles on. She is so damn adorable when she talks about her favorite artists.

"Babe your fangirl is showing," she rolls her eyes at me as he pours herself some lucky charms cereal. "So you've always had a thing for curls huh?" I smirk at her.

She laughs and shakes her head, "Yup. And I still do, even though I dont know why." She sticks her tongue out as she walks in the dining room. I watch her bum as she walks out...hey shes my girlfriend I'm allowed.

As she sits down at the table, Louis is smirking at her and I know he is dying to ask her about last night. I sit down next to her and place my arm around the back of her chair.

"So Vara, what did you and Harry do last night?" Lou asks.

"U-um we ate sandwhiches and watched 13 going on 30."

"You watched the whole movie?" He asks. She nods at him while shoving a spoonful of cereal in her mouth. Classy babe.

"You sure you didn't get bored and started to fool ar-"

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