2. Late Nights

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"Can I have seconds?" Niall asks Mum while everyone else laughs.

"Of course you can, love," Mum answers sweetly while getting him another plate of dinner, which might I add tastes like heaven. When she returns to give Niall his second plate, I smile while looking around the table. Laughs and conversations can be heard throughout the house and that makes me happy. The house has been quiet since Zayn left for tour and with Dad in the hospital, it gets lonely.

"Hey, you okay?" Liam asks me while leaning towards me. I notice he has some mash potatoes in the corner of his mouth and I can't help but giggle while cleaning it off with my napkin.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm happy you guys are here." These boys are some of the realest people I have ever met and their friendship is really important to me.

"We are too," He smiles and it reminds me of the smiling emoji. I suddenly feel my phone vibrate and check to see the notification.

From: Ely

V! Turn on E! News NOW!


Ely is my best friend, she is a beautiful blonde, short like me. She is super honest and is always raiding my fridge for food when she comes over, but I love her anyway.

I run to the living room and turn on E! News to find a picture of Zayn and I from a while back.

"Attention all 1D fans, the boys have returned home. They just wrapped up their TMH tour and they have a well deserved 3 month break ahead of them. Earlier tonight, Zayn and the rest of the boys were seen arriving at Zayn's home where they were greeted by his younger sister, Vara Malik. We can't wait to hear new music from the boys soon. We hope these 3 months go by fast." Said the host. Great. Now everyone knows that Zayn is back which means that I will suddenly have a billion new "best friends". They mostly use me to get closer to Zayn or the boys.

To: Ely

Great. I cant wait to see all my besties on Monday -_-


I sigh walking back to the table that is being cleaned up by Mum and Louis. "What happened, Vara?" Niall asked.

"The media knows that you guys are back which means everyone in my class knows." I say while sitting back down next to Liam.

"Wait, what does us being back have to do with your school?" Harry asks.

"The fake people are going to try to get closer to me so they can meet you guys." I answer him while getting back up. "I'm going to take a shower and stuff. I'll be down in a little bit."

The boys nod and head to the living room while I go to my room. I get underwear, pajama shorts and my Demi Lovato t-shirt and go into my shower. Once I'm done, I go into my room and take out my music journal.

Every since I was little, I would write lyrics that I made up in my head and sometimes even attempt to write full songs. I'm working on one right now, its still a work in progress but I think it will be called "This Is Me" (A/N: Pretend that is an original song). I start to softly sing the few lyrics that I have written down.

"I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face. So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say. But I have this dream, right inside of me. I'm gonna let it show, its time. To let you know, to let you know. This is real, this is me, I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be now. Gonna let the light shine on me. Now I've found who I am, there's no way to hold it in. No more hiding who I want to be. This is me." I finish singing and try to write the next verse.

"You know when someone says I'll be down in a little bit, they don't mean 2 hours later." Harry chuckles while sitting in front of me on the bed. I noticed he changed into pj's too. "Nice shirt by the way."

I smile at him, "thanks. I have to represent the queen you know." He laughs at me and I blush and look at my journal.

"Really V? Queen?" He smiles at me while laying back on my bed. He notices my journal and takes it, "Writing again?" He says softly while going over the lyrics. "This is really good Vara. Are you stuck at the 2nd verse?" He asks.

"Yeah actually, I think I got the first line but I need help with the rest." I answer while taking the book back.

"Let's hear the line then?" He says while using his elbow to support himself to look at me.

"Do you know what its like to feel so in the dark?" I sing. Harry closed his eyes and it looks like he is repeating what i had just sung.

"To dream about a life, where you're the shining star." He sings back to me and I smile and nod while writing both lines down. And that is how we spent the next 2 hours: laughing, singing lyrics back and forth. We finished the song a half an hour ago and now we are just talking. He is telling me about the tour.

"Then one night we had a pie war. I got pie shoved in my face and water down my back. It was so messy but so much fun." He laughed.

"Oh yeah I think Liam told me about that time, you guys are crazy. How did you get that out of your hair? Lou must have been so mad" I giggle.

"A lot of shampoo. And yeah she was, but she got over it." He laughed. "I can't stand pie anymore because of it."

I laugh, "oh my gosh, you're traumatized by pie! You're such a wimp Styles!"

"Me? Who doesn't like tomatos because of one bad experience?" He teased me.

"Shut up! You know I don't like tomatos!" I laugh while hitting him on the shoulder.

"Why? They are so good!" He asks.

"They taste like the smell of detergent! Ew! I don't even want to think abou that." I make a face and Harry laughs at me once again.

"Oh god. V you are something else." He looks me in the eyes and might I just say, they are really beautiful. Now I know why so many girls are obsessed with them. I clear my throat and look away because we were starring for too long and I dont want to bore him with my boring dark brown/ almost black eyes.

"Well styles, I think its time to go to sleep!" I say as I check to see the time. What! Its 1:46am!

"Okay, ill see you tomorrow. Oh by the way, tell those fake people: no new friends." He smirks at me while walking out.

I close my door and get into bed. I decide to go to twitter before falling asleep. I scroll through before getting bored and send a tweet.

VeryVara: No New Friends :)

My Sunshine // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now