5. No Cry Zone

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"Hey Mum," I sigh as I walk out of school on the phone. Its Wednesday and we get out early. "I'm on my way to the hospital to see Dad now," I tell her.

"Okay sweetie, tell him I love him and that I'll see him later." She tells me and I tell her I will and hang up.

The bus ride to the hospital is quite long so I text the boys to let them know that I wont't be home soon. I text Harry first since he is always on the phone anyway.

To: Haz

Hey what are you guys up to?


Seconds later I get a reply. See he is a fast texter.

From: Haz

Hey love, we are in the studio recording for the 3rd CD. What about you?


I smile as I read the love part. Always the flirt isnt he.

To: Haz

Cool, write me a song will ya? Lol and im on my way to the hospital to visit Dad.


From: Haz

Will do, and alone? Are you gonna be okay? Do you want me to meet you there?


My heart warms at his request. He is always so caring.

To: Haz

Yeah alone. Its fine Haz, ill be okay. I promise :)


From: Haz

Call me if anything.


To: Haz

I will.


From: Haz



To: Haz

Promise :)


I smile and put my phone away as I get off the bus and walk into the hospital. I walk straight to the elevator since I know where to go and everything.

I look in the mirror in the elevator to see if I look decent. Im wearing my light blue skinny jeans and my favorite white converse with a white tank top with a pony tail since Dad always liked my hair up and out of my face. I only have BB cream on my face because he doesnt like me to wear heavy makeup and I dont like it anyway.

I get out at the 4th floor and walk to his room. I knock on the open door before walking in and waving to my dad as he looks up at me and smiles. I drop my bag off on the chair next to the hospital bed and put my phone in my pocket. I hug him but not too tight since I dont want to hurt him.

"Hi Dad. I missed you. How are you today?" I smile at him and examine his face. He has more color in his face today then before although his hair is thinning, he still has his hair.

"I'm feeling better today Vara. Ive missed you too. How was school?" He asked me. I smile at him because he always asks me about school, even when I was younger.

"School was good. I got a 100 on my math exam." I told him that grade specifically because he always pushed me to do better in math.

"Oh thats amazing. Thats what I like to see: 100s. Hey I saw Zayn the other day, he is growing up into a smart young man. Too many tattoos though." He laughs a bit. I laugh with him because it makes me happy to see him joke about Zayns tattoos.

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