22. Tour to-do list

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"How about this one?"

"Ely don't you think thats a bit too revealing?" I ask her while eyeing the high waisted black shorts and black crop top that is hanging on the rack. Ely and I are currently in a dressing room at Syco Records because Simon wants me to pick out outfits for my first tour....YES I SAID TOUR!

"No! It's hot! Harry will be dying to get on that stage with you!" She says. I roll my eyes as she picks another outfit out.

"He won't even be paying attention to every concert anyway. He is going to be busy too." I look down at my phone.

"You're gonna miss him on tour aren't you?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm going to be gone until September so it's basically 4 months on the road..." It's now May so Harry and I are about 3 months in to our relationship. It's been the best 3 months ever. My Cd debuted at #1 and I literally cried when I found out. I told Dad and he was crying too.

"Well there is always facetime and texting and sexting..." She laughs.

I laugh with her, "Oh no! We don't sext! How many times do I have to tell you."

"What? It's nothing to be ashamed about. Niall and I do it all the time." She smirks.

I pretend to gag, "I really didn't need to know that Ely! Keep it to yourself next time." I playfully say to her.

"That boy really knows his angles." She mumbles to herself but sadly I heard it.

"ELY!" I laugh and cover my ears.

"What?" She laughs and goes back to picking outfits.

--Harry's POV--

"Hi Mum!" I say to the phone. We are FaceTimeing while I'm in my guest room at Zayn's.

"Hi love, how are you?"

"I'm great Mum, how are you?" I say to her.

"I'm fine love, how's Vara? Treating her like a queen right?"

I smile and nod my head, "Of course Mum. I wouldn't treat her any other way." I say softly before the boys hear me being all mushy.

"Ok, well that's good to hear. It's her birthday soon, have any plans?" She smiles at me.

"Yeah I've got a few ideas. Gonna keep it a secret though."

She pouts, "Aww Harry you're no fun. When are you bringing her up here? Robin and I want to see her."

"Mum you've met her before," I shake my head while laughing.

"Yes love, as your friend, but not as your girlfriend. I want to see you guys act lovey dovey in person. I only see you act lovey dovey in pictures. Hun, that's not enough."

I laugh, "Mum you stalk us? Wait until Var finds out. She loves that celeb stalking stuff." I smile while thinking about her little fangirl side.

"I don't stalk, I just watch out for you guys. I love you two." She says softly.

"Love you too Mum... but that's still weird." I say while smiling.

She sighs, "When you have your own child, you won't think its weird. So when is she leaving for tour?"

I look down, "Um she's leaving next Friday but her first concert is here in Bratford on Thursday so her Dad is able to come."

"Oh yeah, How is Mr.Malik these days?"

"He's good. Var tells me that there are some bad days, but he is pushing through."

"I hope he gets better before her birthday, that would be a lovely gift wouldn't it?"

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