23. Concert Conversations and Helpful Pictures

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Hey guys! This is the first time where I would suggest you listen to certain songs while reading this chapter. I think it helps with picturing what is happening as you are reading it. If you choose to listen then thats great, but you don't have to, its just a suggestion! :) Love you!

The songs in this chapter are:

Catch Me - Demi Lovato

Obsessed - Miley Cyrus


Tonight is my first show here in Bratford...and I am so nervous I could throw up. Mum, Dad, and the boys and their girlfriends are all in the audience. I don't know exactly where they are sitting but I know they are all together. I am so happy that Dad is here, I haven't seen him yet and I hope I don't cry when I see him wave to me and smile. He has gotten a little worse but the doctors gave him the okay to leave the hospital for one night.

My phone vibrates and I check to see what it is. I smile automatically when I read who its from.

From: Curly Fry <3

Hi my love, I know you are probably nervous right now and you feel like you are going to throw up but this text is supposed to calm you down so: calm down...Now that you are calm, you can have fun and smash it out there. I can't wait to see your beautiful face...and your cute little butt. Don't tell your dad I said that... I love you.


I smile and laugh a bit. He is so dorky in his own way but I wouldn't want him any other way...He sort of inspired Trainwreck actually. I am so lucky to have him, I wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. My first outfit is black ripped jeans that might I say are skin tight because Ely picked them out and a light purple thank top that has a piece sign on it that I tied to the side. I also have my purple converse on.

Once I have my outfit on, I am being led backstage to under where I pop up on stage. I hope the fans are caught by surprise when I come up from the top. I plan to sing Catch Me towards the end because I want to slow it down after the pumped up songs. This Is Me is the last one since it was the first one I ever wrote for the CD.

I hear the crowd already and they are so loud because the guitars started to play the opening. I am so nervous right now. My hands are sweating. I can't even believe I'm about to live my dream in 2 minutes.

As the guitar is playing, I am being lifted up and I have my purple mic in my hand. I see the smoke in front of me and I hear the audience but I can still hear the music from my ear pieces. I smile instantly when I am in full view of the audience, whoa there are alot of flashing lights. I open my mouth and start to sing the first line without music.

"I am confident but I still have my moments. Baby, that's just me."

I smirk at the fans in front while walking up to the catwalk. They are cheering and jumping up and down. I try to reach out and touch their hands and I reach successfully. I continue to sing as I look around at the other side and walk to them to do the same. I am now in the end of the catwalk and am looking at the signs that the fans have brought. I smile as I read some of them.




As I sing the next verse, I start to loosen up more and have fun with the song. I go the left side of the stage and wave to them.

"Who said I can't wear my converse with my dress? Well, baby, thats just me!"

My Sunshine // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now