25. Love Letters

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Today is the day. Var is leaving me for three months. Three months without my beautiful, funny, amazing princess by my side. Everyone is in the house in the living room except Vara, Zayn, and Mrs.Malik. They are at the hospital so Var can say bye to her Dad. I didn't want to go because I think she just needed to be with her family....I hope my baby is okay.

"Does anyone want anything to drink?" I ask the gang while standing up.

"Can you get me the leftover pizza from the fridge?" Niall asks.

I walk over to the kitchen. I grab the pizza from the fridge and put it in the microwave. While it's heating up, I go on twitter to see what's going on.

I see some cute pictures of Vara from earlier today of her getting out the car. I favorite them because who wouldn't? She's perfect.

The microwave starts to beep letting me know it is done. I'm about to take it out when I feel small arms wrap around my waist. I lift my arm up to bring her around to face me.

I bear hug her and kiss her head, "How are you feeling love?"

She pulls away a bit from the hug but she still has her arms around my waist. She looks beautiful even when she is sad, "I'm okay...saying bye was hard but I know I'll see him when I get back." She smiles sadly.

I lean in and kiss her nose and both her cheeks and I give her little pecks on her lips. She is giggling and I laugh because she is trying to tickle me at the same time. "Alright H!" She laughs. I pull away and look her in the eyes.

"I love you,"

"Ditto," She teases.

I tap her bum and put my hand in her back pocket, "Oi!"

She laughs, "I love you too,"

"I love you three," I whisper in her ear.

"I love you four," she says as she leans her head against my chest. I sway us back and forth for a bit. She pulls away and looks up at me, "I leave in two hours..." She trails off.

I get an idea, "That gives us enough time to get some ice cream," I smile at her.

"Ice cream?" She furrows her eyebrows.

"Yeah, come on babe," I pull her out of the kitchen.

As we pass the living room and open the door we hear a voice, "Hey! Haz what about my pizza?!"

"You have legs mate!" I laugh as I close the door and walk to my car and she hops in the passenger seat. As we are driving to the ice cream shop, Var has her thinking face on.

"Haz are these windows...tinted?"

"Yeah, why?" I ask confusingly. She places her hand on my upper thigh and smirks at me.

"No reason," I gulp at her tone of voice...it's her sex voice.

As I park the car in the back of the ice cream shop to avoid the fans from mobbing us, Var squeezes my thigh.

"Lock the doors and take off your jeans." She commands me.

"J-just my jeans?" I stutter out with my eyes wide at her request.

"Yup. I want to try something," she says as she unbuttons her jeans. Holy shit, is this really happening?

Once I pull my jeans down my thigh, that's as much as they go: they are too damn tight, Var swings her legs over my waist and straddles me.

"Var not her-" she presses her lips against me and I moan in her mouth.

She pulls away, "I saw this on tumblr, I want to try it." She blushes.

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