Chapter Sixty-Eight

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They all ran home to grab the Twinkie, driving it the same way they had taken earlier.

They drive slowly, seeing tons of police lights.

"Oh shit! They found the truck." Kiara whines nervously.

JJ puts on his cap anxiously. "Oh great, of course!"

"Chill," John B says, "Alright, just relax."

"Well, lookee here." Shoupe says, approaching the van.

"Good evening, Officer." John B says, looking at Shoupe.

"Sheriff." Shoupe corrects him, shining a flashlight in his face.

"Sheriff." Everleigh mocks him in a childish voice.

"Speed kiss, huh?" John B says, trying to make Shoupe not respond to Everleigh.

"I pulled the tags." Shoupe says angrily. "And I know whose truck that is."

He leans around John B's seat, shining the flashlight on Kie.

Everleigh sticks her foot up, blocking some of the light. "Sorry, no one's there." She smiles sarcastically.

"Everleigh, move your damn foot, I know she's back there." Shoupe says, rolling his eyes. "Hey! Kie, you drop your weed pen back there?"

"Found it." Kiara replies quietly, giving him a thumbs up.

"Sheriff, I just wanna say that this is all my fault." Pope says, taking the blame. "She had nothing to do with this. I'll take 100% responsibility."

"Nothing to do with it?" Shoupe asks, "You wanna try that again? Your parents reported the truck missing four hours ago, and the keys were missing from the house. I'm taking you home."

"Yeah, uhm, Shoupe that wasn't her fault either." Everleigh smiles, "That would be totally on me."

"Anything else you want to tell him, Ev?" John B asks her, making her sit back and slouch.

"Oh, or I can pull you all in for leaving the scene of an accident." Shoupe says.

"Okay." Kiara surrenders.

"Good, Plumb." Shoupe signals, telling her to take Kiara.

Kiara steps out of the door, "I gotta deal. Hit me up later and make sure I'm still alive."

She shuts the door, and they all frown.

When they drive away, Everleigh speaks up again. "This is bullshit."

"Yeah, big mouth. Was there anything else you wanted to tell them?" John B asks.

Everleigh scoffs, "I was just trying to save Kie from a beating." She tells them.

"Didn't accomplish that goal, did you?" JJ asks her, turning around and looking at her.

She folds her arms, "Whatever."

"Let's just go back to my house, Rafe should be there." Sarah steps in.

John B nods and turns to go to her family's house.

When they pull up, they all run out.

"He's got the truck." Pope says quietly as they all sneak behind a wall.

Everyone shushes him.

"Stay low." John B repeats over and over as they all peak over the wall.

They watch the truck pull in and stop, watching only Rafe exit the front.

"How much do your wanna bey Rafe has the cross inside that truck right now?" Pope asks, looking at his friends.

"I don't have any money." Everleigh replies to him. "I can't place a bet, sorry."

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