29.Halfway Mark

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(Y/n)'s pov
The three of us stood under the moonlight in the forest as Yua celebrated her new name.
"Say Yua, why don't you come back with us?" I offered her

"(Y/n)!!" Aoi panic exclaimed as quietly as she could tugging on my sleeve.

"Oh um.... No.... No I can't... Being near...."

"Don't worry there nice people... I'm sure... OK I know atleast some of them. Like Aoi" I grabbed Aoi and pulled her forward "Sure she looks scared now, but if you give it some  time I'm sure you'll become best friends" I told her as Aoi tried to holdback her fear.

"Well thank you (y/n).... but I still need some time.... before I talk to others again, but if you wish to see me again I'll be hanging around here" Yua told me hoping onto a bed made of spider string. "It was nice to meet you again"

We said our goodbyes, me and Aoi headed back to HQ on the way Aoi lagged behind me probably thinking of something. "You alright Aoi?"

"You really are a nice person (y/n)"


"The fact that your kindness even transfers to demons.... Ha, I could never do that"she told me looking me in the eyes.

I rubed the back of my head a bit embarrassed" Nice?..... I was just being honest with her. I don't want to die and be known as the nice person.... "

Aoi stopped in her tracks "Don't say that" she said in a very low tone.

"Don't say what?"

"That you'll die"
"Well.... It could hap-"

"No!!" Aoi ran forward and backed me into a tree "Dont say that.... You can't... Somebody as nice as you can't die"


"You can't, I can't lose you. How many times have you almost died.... I don't want you to die.... You're so much braver than I am. I don't understand how you do it, how you can fight..... And  how can you approach a demon unarmed and not freak out. I was so scared standing in front of her,im just not cut out for it"

"Sigh, Aoi..... I'm going to tell you something.... You're right, you're not cut out for fighting demons" her tears paused as dhe looked at me, I brushed them away gently "But that doesn't make you weak" I pulled her into a hug letting her cry into my chest.

"I don't say it to be mean, quite the opposite I believe truly being nice to someone is being honest, even if the truth hurts"

"Just promise me... You won't die, that you'll beat the demons and we live together!!" she exclaimed grasping my hands.

"Sigh, Aoi... I can't promise that" her face immediately contorted into sadness again "But I'll try"

"Mmm, then try please" Aoi said and looking me in the eyes,her face started turning red and she looked away and twiddle her fingers.
"Are you alright Ao-" she spun around and grabbed my chin and pulled me down to her level, our lips connected for a kiss under the moonlight just on the edge of the forest.

The mission sounded simple enough, in a city named Mino several people have been reported missing each one dissappearing over night so a demon is most likely to blame, sounds easy right?
Well not to the Demon Corps instead of sending me alone a hashira was sent in advance because the number of people missing  seems to imply multiple demons or one powerful one.

(Pochi is the name of your owl by the way)
So I set off on my journey to the city only accompanied by Blue and Pochi whenever he decided to fly down and annoy me.
The journey wasn't harsh in fact it was peaceful..... So peaceful it became dull and whatever annoying thing Pochi did atleast kept me from my own thoughts.
When I reached the halfway mark I arrived a resting spot for Demon Corp members and this where I would rest till the morning and also meet my partner for the mission.
I was greeted by one of the ladies who watched over the house, she guided me into a small room where I was to disrobe and change into something else.
"Ooh this thing is soft" I said feeling the fabric of the hanten provided to me.

"Blue out?" Blue asked coming out the fake arm.

"Sorry Blue it's safe here but you might freak these people out so let's stay hidden for now OK?" Blue nodded and headed back inside the arm.
After I got out of my Demon Corp outfit I put on the robe provided to me and followed the old lady who was waiting outside the room down the hall, we passed by the kitchen where inside a bunch of workers were running around cooking and cleaning among other things 'They're sure making a lot of food'.

We continued past the kitchen and down the hall as we rounded the corner a servant carrying 3 large bowls bumped into me.
"Oh I'm so sorry miss!" She said bowing as best she could with the bowls.

"Oh don't worry it's alright!.... Please stop bowing" the girl nodded and quickly left and we continued on our way aswell. "You must have a lot of Corp members here tonight"

"No just one, but she has quite the appetite for such a young lady, but I'm sure you Slayers must get quite hungry on your travels"

"Truuueee but isn't this a bit much?" I asked the old lady as another girl ran past and ahead of me with bowls of mochi.

"Our family owes everything to the Demon Slayers this is no bother to us" she stopped and turned towards me "This is where the hashira is now please enjoy your night" she said and left back down the hall.

"Sigh, who of the hashira looked like they could each this much?" I tried remembering all the hashira from when I first arrived at the Demon Corp Headquarters.
I also remembered the one who stabbed me which Blue didn't seem to appreciate recalling "Oh right the giant blind guy he could probably each this much"

"Blue she?"

"Oh right yeah she the said the hashira was a girl...... I mean maybe that giant is a girl?I never saw down there so you nev-" Blue jumped out and whacked my cheek before returning "Ow" I rubbed my cheek to ease the pain, I grabbed the screen panel "Oh please don't be the bitch who stabbed me" I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and swung the door open.

I heard a gasp of surprise "(Y/n)-chan!!" I opened my eyes and in front of me was a table with a wall of bowls in the way of whoever was in the room.

"Uh who's there?"

"What?!?" whoever was behind the bowls shouted before the table bounced and the entire wall of bowls crushed them.

I poked my head out the room to try and spot the old lady "Hey are you sure this the right room..... The one with the hashira?.... Hello?"

I heard a rumble behind me before a bowl went flying past my head "Aww you're so mean ignoring me!"

I turned around and saw the person, the hashira I was supposed to be on the mission with.
And that Hashira was none other than the hashira of love Kanroji Mitsuri.....buried and surrounded by empty bowls.

It's back baby, how is everyone's day?
So sorry for the delay on this story but now that season 2 is here I have to kick into gear.
Side note the next few chaps were supposed to be different but we got this small adventure with Mitsuri.
This chapter would have been longer but I need some time for an image I need drawn for a future chap.
After this we'll go into the red light district arc,which I'll say one thing about that, twitter's reaction is so pathetic.

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