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(Y/n) pov
(6 months later)
True to Ahsoka's word she took me in, I learned she was a former hashira which is a really strong demon slayer she hasn't told me why she retired and I don't want to be pushy in asking.
Today we were in the town buying things for tonight's dinner. "Ahsoka when are we gonna start training, all I've done is small chores around the house" I complained
"Still eager to become a demon slayer, it's true that we haven't trained yet but that's because I wanted you to settle in for a bit first, this training won't be easy" she explained to me.
"Hard or not ill never know till I try" I said defiantly
"OK, well let's first have a nice big dinner so you have enough energy for tomorrow because we'll be starting you're training"
"Yes, thank you" I said hugging her waist by the side
"Trust me, you won't be saying thank you when it starts"

(The next day)
At the start of the day me and Ahsoka walked up to the highest part of the mountain'God its hard to breathe up here'i thought
"This is where you training starts, the first thing you have to do is get back down the mountain by yourself" she asked
"What but I don't recognise anything"
"That's the point and look out for any traps I left behind" She said disappearing down the mountain.

I started following the direction she disappeared, as I was walking a log came crashing in front of me "Ahhhh.." I screamed falling back, I looked behind me and saw a tripwire"God she wasn't joking, I need to focus"J continued walking focusing my sight and saw a bunch of tripwire ahead I went around but saw another trap through the tree.

When I was growing up I noticed I could see things that nobody else could, see better, and when I tried hard enough I managed to see through things.
(Essentially you have the an ability like Tanjiro smell and Zenitsu hearing but yours is for your sight)
I managed to climb halfway down the mountain before I collapsed from exhaustion.

Ahsoka's pov
After a while of waiting I decided to check on her halfway up I found her laying on the ground I picked her up and carried her down. "Well at least she made it halfway, everyday she'll make it closer and eventually she'll make it fully down.

(1 year later)
"Ugghh..." (y/n) grunted after I hit her in the head
"You're still unfocused, don't swing wildly it leave you open to attacks"
"I know I just..." she tried thinking of something to say
"Having those nightmares still?" I asked her, for a while now she's been having nightmares about not being able to save her family, of her brother trying to kill her.
"Yeah, but that shouldn't hold me back" she said before grabbing her practice sword and getting into stance.

She struck to my right I parried it and swung for her neck to which she barely blocked she tried punching me, but I dodged it and pushed her sword away and pushed her the ground and pointed the sword to her neck.
She looked down defeated"Here, take this"i handed her a wakizashi(short katana)

"What's this for" she asked"Well for 1 we're moving on to proper swords perhaps some stakes will help you and 2 when your defending yourself you don't have a weapon to use anymore so this will help you" I explained to her "If you notice my white s...

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"What's this for" she asked
"Well for 1 we're moving on to proper swords perhaps some stakes will help you and 2 when your defending yourself you don't have a weapon to use anymore so this will help you" I explained to her "If you notice my white sword is shorter than my orange one, although there a big too big for you so using a smaller one will help you, now grab your sword and let's begin"

(Two months later)
I was going to teach (y/n) how to use breathing forms today "Today I'm going to teach you how to use breath styles there are multiple ones but I'm going to teach you how to use a unique combination of Breath of Flames and Wind. As I use both I've learned to switch in and out without putting too much strain on me".
"And what are these breaths for exactly?" she asked curiously.
"Well as you know demons are stronger, faster and more vicious than humans these breathing techniques and also our nichirin swords evens the playing field sometimes for us" I explained to her. "Now let's begin"

(1 year later)
Another day training with her she struck my right sword and blocked my left one with her small blade she then pushed it away and hit me in the gut with the grip of the blade, pushing me away and kicking me in the back knocking me to the ground pointing her sword at me.
"Looks like I win today,, right?" she asked exhausted we had been fighting for about an hour
"You've certainly come a long way from that little girl I found in the forest although I kinda miss that girl"
"Haha, very funny well that little girl is gone and here I am in her place" she said helping me up
"Still she was very small and cute"
"Stop, I was not-.." she said embarrassed

(Two months later)
(Y/n) pov
In a few days was the day of the final selection I started preparing for the journey getting everything together.
"I hope you atleast plan on staying for dinner I would feel awfully lonely without you" I heard Ahsoka say behind me
"Of course not, you make the best food in the world I wouldn't miss it for the world" I said sitting down with her.
"Tomorrow you'll begin your journey to the final selection apart of me is sad to see you leave but another is proud." she said upset "Sometimes I wish I didn't train you so you could have a normal life but everyday you seemed determined to do this and I just couldn't deny you that, your like the daughter I never had and I don't won't to see you go" she said as tears formed, I stood up and gave her a hug
"I love you Ahsoka you're like a mother to me, you saved me, raised me and I don't know how to pay you back"
"How about you promise me to make it back, to come back alive" she asked me hugging me tighter.
"I will don't worry I wouldn't let all these years go to waste not after everything you did to help me" I told after that the mood lighted up and we made small talk during the rest of the night until we had to go to sleep.
"(Y/n) for old times sake would you like to sleep with me like you did when you had nightmares?" she asked me
"OK, yeah sure" I grabbed my things and joined her.

(In the morning)
Ahsoka's pov
"Goodbye (y/n) I'll miss you"
"I know ill miss you too I promise to write, love you... Mom" she said giving me one last hug
'Mom?' I thought 'She thinks of me as her Mom' I thought tighting the hug before she let go and set off.
'Goodbye (y/n) please be safe'


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