9.Drum Demon

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(Y/n) pov
Ever since I saved Mikasa from that snow demon she's been following, sticking close by'Guess it's a good thing we were told to go to the same place, don't think she would leave if she were told' I thought pulling out a rice ball.
"Look out!" Mikasa yelled as I was knocked over, I raised my head to see someone running away without a t-shirt on"Are you alright (y/n)? "She asked me
"..... My..... Food"i said staring at my rice ball that was on the GROUND"HEY ASSHOLE YOU RUINED MY Food"i shouted at whoever it was "That was my last one as well" I said somberly
"Here you can have mine" Mikasa said taking her own rice ball out.
"Thanks" I went to grab it but she pulled back out of my reach"Hey what gives?"she kept teasing me. "Mikasa please, I'm starving" I pleaded with a stomach grumble to prove my point
"Can I... feed you?" she said pulling her scarf to cover her cheeks,she actually looked cute doing so.
"Ok" I told her, we sat down on a random tree log, she then hovered the food in front of me I took a bit of it'God this would be embarrassing if I wasn't so hungry to care'I thought taking another bite'But atleast she looks happy'

(Days later)
"So this where the kid got taken too this random building wh-" I stop mid sentence noticing four people I front of the house, two kids and two people I recognised from the final selection. "Hello there" I called out to them"Take your also here for the demon"
"Yeah, I didn't think they'd send four people here but excessive I'd say"
"No shut up Tanjiro, we need as many people as we can get, I don't wanna die" the blond one said
"Calm down Zenitsu you'll be fine" While Tanjiro tried reassuring Zenitsu, I went to talk to the kids.
"Don't worry well make sure your brother is OK and beat this... monster"i told them,just as I said that a body came flying out the house from the balcony landing on the ground

as we walked inside we heard a drum and the door behind Mikasa shut in my face, making bump my head"Haha very funny Mik-"I opened the door and saw a completely different room with no Mikasa inside "OK were not joking then, perfect just perfect"I walked in the corridor opening every door I could, stopping at the last one" There's something emanating from inside, demonic"i opened the door and saw a boy  holding a drum. "Hey wait-" *Kadum*the door slammed shut and the rooms changed again"Goddamit I just checked all those rooms and now they're different" No having any option I went back down the corridor opening doors until"Such bulls-.... Ahhagh"a hand shot out and grabbed my leg pulling through the door before throwing me against the wall"Ow, ow, ow that hurt"
"He hehe if that hurt, then you won't survive this" he charged forward but I jumped out the way making him crash through the wall"Huh, where'd you go? "
"God the wall was smarter than you, I don't see how demons are considered superior, because you... Haha.... You're embarrassing"
"HOW DARE YOU AAAAAHHHHHH" he charged forward.
"Great now I can use this move, seventh form :Sudden gust" the demon was slowly shered to pieces, slowing down the demon enough to let me decapitate it"That was to easy, I don't trust that at all"

Mikasa pov
'Goddammit that everyone's a been separated' I thought, I pushed onward opening door by door
"Huheha, fress food" a demon said behind me, reaching for me*Slink*"Agagga.." I cut his arms off before he could reach.
"Stay out of my way, you're not who I'm looking for" I left him there and started walking away'Ive got more important things to worry about like where's (y/n)'
"Food no run"
"So annoying" I said swiftly decapitating it and kicked it through the door,revealing Zenitsu and that kid from outside.
"Hey, hey can you help me, he's heavy"
'I need to find (y/n) I could care less about him, but if (y/n) found out I abandoned them she might hate me' I thought to myself"Fine give him here"i picked him up and slung him on my back.

(Y/n) pov
"A hahaha, move I'm coming through Ahahhaha" I heard down the hall"Whats all the - Woah"i had to jump back as someone came barrelling through
"Hey don't you dare step on her get off"i heard a voice that sounded like Tanjiro'God I meet him twice and his voice is so memorable, not like his important, right'Regarless I ran to the voice and saw, a demon, a little girl, Tanjiro and someone with a boar mask??.
The guy in the boar mask was standing on, Tanjiro grabbed him by the foot and threw him'Jesus that's one strong kid'i thought
"Hahaha that's was fun I've never been thrown by a human before" Boar mask said going to attack Tanjiro, I saw the demon preparing to attack and pushed them both out the way.
"Knock it off you two we've got bigger problems" I shouted at them
"Shut girlie I don't care"
"GIRLIE Why-Huh"
*Bum**bang*dum*kang* the demon started pounding on his drums sending Boar out the room as it changed to a different one. "The room changed again"
"Yeah demon's gone too, so he's the one changing the rooms, so annoying, let's go" We opened the Door Tanjiro poked his head out and took the girls gand"Come on let's go this way, just don't look behind you"He told her and I saw why, a random corpse left to rot in the hall, we walked to the only other door.
"Ready?" I grabbed the door and swung it open inside was a kid about to bang a drum"Wait-"
"Big brother" The girl ran to hug her brother"Im glad you're safe"the cried in eachother arms
"Ouch hurts..." he whined
"Here take this my master made it for me so it's the best" I heard Tanjiro said before I tuned them out.
'Where could that demon have gone, and how does he attack with those drums?'
"Bang that drum if someone else comes ok, come on (y/n)" he said patting my shoulder snapping me out of my zone
"Hum, yeah, yeah, sorry just thinking, let's go" We entered the room with the demon"Ok lets-"*Kadoom*the whole room span upside down leaving me and Tanjiro on the ceilling
"OK not trippy whatsoever"
"(Y/n) look out" Tanjiro shouted as a giant claw mark destroyed the ground where I was standing.
"Grrrr, vanish from my sight vermin" the demon shouted before banging on his drums at high speeds sending both me and Tanjiro flying around.
'Do many spins.... getting dizzy... Gonna throw up' I snapped out of my thought seeing another attack'Dammit I'm stuck mid air and it's 5 claws now'Tanjiro pushed off the wall out the way, but I was stuck mid room"Dammit, ninth form:Idaten typhoon"i released a gust of wind pushing me the way, barely as it scraped my uniform.
As I regained my breath Tanjiro dodged his other attacks going for the kill"Your blood demon art is very impressive "he said before decapitating the demon, then collapsed on the ground in pain.

" Kid.... Answer me.... My... Blood demon art.... Is it really strong..? "
"It was.. However killing humans is wrong"
"And you.. What..?
" It was impressive, I just wish it wasnt used against "
"Is that so" the demon said as it started crumbling,Tanjiro then threw a little knife to the body.
"What's he do.... Kyyaaa" I screamed as a cat popped out of nowhere

Demons pov
'My manuscripts aren't garbage, Atleast to them it's not, there not to be stepped on, no matter if its my blood demon art or drums, they recognised the value'

(Y/n) pov
After finishing the demon I grabbed the manuscripts on the ground and put them in a satchel and took them'There might be something to them, an indication of who he was' and we grabbed the kids and made our way to the main entrance, we opened the doar to see Zenitsu getting beat up while holding Tanjro's box and Mikasa sat down with the kid to the right.
"Pull out your sword and fight you cowardly weakling, the Boar guy taunted
" Tanjiro I've been protecting it.... Because you said its more important to you than your own life"

So this chapter has been a doozy I've had to delete multiple parts because I forgot what the episode was like.
Regardless I thought I would post a chapter, however now all my stories will be delayed because Ive stated school again, but I'm not giving up it'll just take a little longer.
Also was having trouble were to put Mikasa

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