1.The Tragedy

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No pov
On a cold winter in a small house near the village a woman cry of pain could be heard.
"Come on miss (l/n) keep pushing just a bit more" the doctor said
"You're almost there (mother name)" her husband told her holding her hand.
"I can see a head one last push" the doc said and with one last push the baby came out."Congratulation a healthy baby girl, with a penis??" the doctor pointed out showing a baby girl with white hair, hectorocromiac(two different colors) eyes and with a penis.
(The cringe kill me)
"What please let me see her" she asked the doctor who passed her over,the baby was wrapped up and started turning about. "I don't care that my baby girl has a penis, I still love her the same, right honey?"
"Of course she's still our child, what should we call her" (father name) asked"How about (y/n)? "
" That's a great name, welcome to the world (y/n) (l/n) "

(5 years later)
A little white haired girl was pacing about in her house.
"Is mommy alright,why is she crying? "
"She's alright (y/n), she'll be fine don't worry" he said trying to calm his child.
The door opened and out stood the doctor"You can go in now congralutions"the doctor said and (y/n) ran straight in.
"(Y/n) meet your baby brother" she said presenting the baby boy to her daughter.

(8 years later)
(Y/n) pov
I had just finished picking up our shopping in the town and started walking home,on my way back I thought I saw someone down the alley I did a double take but no one was there.
I continued on my way to my house shopping in hand trudging in the snow. "I should've got big bro to help me, this is heavy" I said to myself walking up the hill getting to the clearing and called out"Hey, Nee-san come-..".
The door to my house was broken and the snow was painted red, i ran to the door and looked inside. Inside I saw the bodies of my family with the wall painted red and someone kneeling down.
I dropped my things in shock and the person turned around, his eyes were like slits and he was really tall but he looked like my baby brother but grown up,he was covered in blood I turned and ran without thinking, I could hear him run behind me.
I slid down the slope we used to use when winter came around, I just kept running after a while i lost him.
"Why, why is he trying to hurt me I don't understand I..." I whispered with tears in my eyes before I saw something in the corner of my eye, I got pushed to the ground when I looked up I saw him,i managed to grab a branch and got it stuck in his mouth"Please, please someone help me... Mama, papa... Help" I said before I didn't feel anything above me"

??? Pov
(20 minutes earlier)
I looked through the crowd of people going home and spotted a small white haired girl walking on her own going up the hill, I decided to follow her to make sure she gets home.
(A few moments later)
I had to keep my distance as to not scare her or alert anything that might come,after seeing her make home I started walked back until I saw her running away and someone chasing after I followed.
I managed to catch just in time seeing the boy trying to eat the girl I rushed over and before he could react I grabbed him and pinned him in place by stabbing one of my swords through his chest sticking him to the tree before cutting his head off.

"B-brother..." the girl said
'Brother?' I thought before realising what I did'I killed her brother in front of her'I thought before letting his body drop and shrank she hurried over to grab him.
"Brother, w-why, why did he attack me..?" she asked as her brother started crumbling.
"Your brother was turned into a demon, I'm sorry they're wasn't any other way" I told her as he fully disappeared, her tears started flowing out more I crouched down and slowly gave her a hug being careful not to scare her away.

(Y/n) pov
The woman slowly gave me a hug'I should hate her she killed my brother but.. 'I thought before hugging her back tightly not wanting to let go and just let it all my tears flow
"There, there let it all out it's alright" She said"Can you please tell me who you are, my name is Ahsoka Tano"
I pulled back to get a better look at her.

(This picture is really great I didn't think I would ever need to see this until I saw it)(That's definitely fur on her head)

"I-I'm (y/n) (l/n), t-thank you for saving me but, where do I go now my family is gone and I don't have any relatives left" I told her trying not to cry again,and shivering because I was cold my kimono got slightly ripped int he scuffle

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"I-I'm (y/n) (l/n), t-thank you for saving me but, where do I go now my family is gone and I don't have any relatives left" I told her trying not to cry again,and shivering because I was cold my kimono got slightly ripped int he scuffle.

Ahsoka's pov
She was shivering'She must be cold'I thought taking my weird fur hat, because it was really big I wrapped it around her letting my short blue and white hair out.
'She doesn't have anywhere to go, sigh, I am retiring soon I could take her in myself assuming she isn't scared of me' I thought "You could live with me, I understand that you probably don't trust me but I could give you a roof over your head, a bed, food.." I told her
"I-I don't want to be a burden..." she started saying before I interrupted her.
"You wouldn't I want you to come I can't leave you here"
"Can you teach me to be like you, to help people" she asked with a small sparkle in her eyes.
"You want to be a demon slayer, is not easy" I told her as she nodded very fast"Ok then, do you want to take anything before you leave? "I asked her and she nodded.
After she grabbed her things we buried the rest of her family and left.
That's the first chapter hope it was good I kinda rushed it the rest of backstory will be explained through the magic of flashbacks.
I was going to have one of the siblings become a demon like Nezuko but thought that was denying Nezuko what makes her different and to much just copying the story.

"The Wolf" Demon slayer yuri harem x Futa reader Where stories live. Discover now