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(Y/n) pov
After I woke up, we were giving our beds, some food and even a doctor to do a check up, turns out Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Mikasa had broken ribs.
Medical chart:
Inosuke:4 ribs
Tanjiro:3 rib
Zenitsu:2 ribs
Mikasa:1 rib
(Y/n) :0 ribs"Wait what, but I..... "I was at a lost for words'I swear I heard my ribs crack when Inosuke threw me, did it heal or am I crazy'I asked myself
During dinner Inosuke kept eating Tanjiro's food to try and provoke him" If you're that hungry, then you can eat my share as well."
'Hurg,hes so nice... He's too nice.... There's must be something behind that smile' I wondered as Inosuke stole some of my food" Hey that's mine ill kill you"i tried reaching for him only for Mikasa to hold me back.
"Here stop, have some of mine just ignore him" She told me
"Not the point it's about my honor and my food.... And he's stealing both" Inosuke just grinned to that"Aghag... ".
As I was trying to kill Inosuke, Zenitsu talked to Tanjiro" Tanjiro I wanted to ask you as no-one else has... What are you lugging around a demon for? "he asked, as I stopped my attempts and listened in.
" So you knew all along, were you protecting me because you knew.. Zenitsu, you really are a good person"he complemented him, then Zenitsu started rolling on the ground content with himself"Iknew from the beginning you were nice and strong".
With that he stopped rolling and sat up"No I'm not, don't make jokes like that, you stopped me from bringing Shoichi and Ill never forgive you for that"he said with a low voice *Rattle, rattle*. "AH THE DEMONS COMING Out"
"It's okay"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN IT'S Okay" the box OPENED"KAYYYAAAHH IT WASN'T LOCKED, PROTECT ME, INOSUKE OR MIKASA PROTECT ME"he screamed as a small hand popped out as a small girl emerged from the box, standing straight growing an inch.
"Nezuko Tanjiro said looking relieved
'This is a demon she looks so small, innocent, cute even'
"Nezuko is..."
"Tanjiro" Zenitsu said in a low voice, I zoned him out focusing on the the girl, she approached me and looked me in the eyes.
'She can't.... Be a demon... She doesn't have the same look as.... As..... As'

Mikasa pov
I tried separating Tanjiro and Zenitsu who was trying to slash Tanjiro out of jealousy until (y/n) spoke with a low voice, void of emotion"Hey Tanjiro... She's your sister right? "
" Yeah"
"Oh....... Did she attack you at first, what did you do"
"She did before she could do anything a demon slayer came to attack but she protected me and I did the same, maybe because we're family, she's still somehow connected" he said unsure of himself
"Oh... OK" she got up"Im.... Gonna... Get some air"she said leaving
"Did I say something wrong?" he asked concerned
"I don't know I'll go check on her" I opened the door and walked down the hall going outside, I wandered across the place until I heard crying around the corner.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... Was I useless.... Because of me" I peeked around the corner to see (y/n) sat down knees pulled to her chest cradling something"Because of me...... Your dead... I'm sorry "she said between sobs, shaking with each one.
'Should I talk to her, sigh, it wouldnt be right to sit and wait' I slowly walked to her and sat down beside her.
" Huh, oh Mikasa... "she wiped her tears with sleeve" What..... what are you doing here?" she asked me with red puffy eyes from crying.
"Checking on you, you OK"
"Yeah of course I am, why wouldnt I be?" she said trying to play it off
"Because your eyes are red and puffy.. I heard you crying too"
"I... Just no I'm fine it's nothing got something in my eye is all"
"If somethings bothering you, you don't need to keep it to yourself, everyo-"
"I'm fine, god?!!" she said getting up and walking over to the pond obviously frustrated, she started playing with what was in her hands. "My brother was a demon you know" she said, I saw a glint from her hands and saw a knife.
'A knife why she got that, OK just need to-'
"Don't worry I didn't come out here to off myself, I just needed to think" she said staring off into the distance"It's my fault, my fault my brother died, I told myself... No I lied to myself for five years that there wasn't anything I could do"she griped the knife harder as the tears stated falling, I walked over to her and gave her a hug.
"(Y/n) it's alright, there wasnt-"
"SHUT UP" She ripped herself out my grip"Dont you dare say there was no other way... In that building there's living proof, Tanjiro stopped his sister from turning completely and is trying to save her"she said, trembling from anger before lowering her voice"But waht have I done, I watched him die, in that moment all I wanted was to live.... Tanjiro said it could've been because of their bond, but what's that mean for me, did my brother hate me... He.... He"she broke down in tears, this time she hugged my waist and cried into my chest.
"There, there, I don't think your brother would want you to be blame yourself, nobody does"
"Do you think there's other demon's like her, non-violent?"
"I don't know, maybe, for now let's go back inside, Ok?" I asked her wiping her tears away with my scarf
"Thanks Mikasa I appreciate it"
"Its alright, I understand I know what it's like to lose people but that's not for now, let's go before Zenitsu stabs Tanjiro" I told her
"You can do that, I'll keep an eye on Nezuko maybe this is like a second chance" she said hopeful walking back inside.

So I hope people enjoy this, it's actually really hard to write emotions, but I hope I did good enough.
I've had this part of the story planned from the beginning(just not what was going to be said)its what separates (y/n) and Tanjiro, one saved their sibling but the other one didn't

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