12.Mount Natagumo

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(Y/n) pov
"Nezuko-chan, Nezuko-chan" Ever since Zenitsu found Nezuko was Tanjiro's sister he's tried to being buddy buddy and tried getting getting close to Nezuko."Nezuko-chan" he repeated with hearts in his eyes as I blocked him from her and then Tanjiro blocked him aswell"Tanjiro, (y/n)-chan"i picked up Nezuko as we ran in circles.During these days I've tried getting close to Nezuko, try to understand her, although all I've learned from is:
1:She can't talk
2:She makes cute noises
3:She can shrink and grow'Wonder if she can become a busty godd-... No, no'
4:She loves to cuddle
5:Shes adorable
"So Tanjiro why'd you join the demon hunters" I ask him as Nezuko was hanging her feet in the air
"Well my parents died in a demon attack and then there was Nezuko, I want to save her, turn her back to human" he said, he sounded so sincere
'He must really care about her' I thought "But turning her back to a human is that even possible?" I was genuinely curious
"Well I'm not sure, but miss Tamayo said she-"
"Who's miss Tamayo?"
"Oh right you weren't there, but um don't tell anyone, miss Tamayo is a friendly demon who helped us in the city" he went on to tell me about his adventure in the city.
"Sounds fun, last time I went in the city was with Mom"
"Yeah, miss Tamayo said that she could create a cure using demons who had a similar power to Muzan, more specifically the twelve Kizuki(Moon demons)"
'Muzan is that the demon leader, their king?'
I decided not push it"Well then I'll help we've just gotta find these twelve demons how hard can that be huh" I told him with a grin

On the eve of our recovery we received a mission to head to the nearby forest"Well be going now... Thank you for your care!"Tanjiro said to the old lady bowing
" I shall lights some Sparks for you"the old lady pulled out a small wooden panel and a rock and made some sparks
"Hey what are you doing, stop it, stop it" Inosuke said going to hit the old lady but I grabbed him and pulled away.
"What are you doing it's good luck, it wards off evil spirits"i told him as we walked off
" May you have luck in your battles"she said as we left
"Luck in battle what's that mean" Inosuke said to himself
"God he is an idiot" Mikasa mumbled beside me.
"Hum, maybe but it has its on charm I guess, plus it means we could poke fun at him and he won't get it" I laughed with Mikasa.

We arrived at Mount Natagumo"It sure is-"
"Wait can we slow down, it gets scarier the closer we get" Zenitsu wailed sitting on the ground
"Why is this guy sitting down.... It pisses me off"
As they talked  I looked ahead at the entrance to the forest's "There's a demon or demons in there wonder what-"
As I was talking to myself I saw someone crawling on the ground"Save me, help-"
Everyone took note and ran to help him, but he's was pulled into the air back into the forest." We're going in... To save him Tanjiro said as we all ran inside the forest leaving Zenitsu behind.

Mikasa pov
We made it in the forest decent amount with nothing happening until.
"OK let's go we - aaaaaahhhh..." (Y/n) screamed running behind me"Mikasa save me please"
"What is it?" Tanjiro asked as she shakily pointed to a tree, on the tree were two spiders sitting on cobwebs
"I don't get?"
"S-spiders I hate S-spiders, with their eight eyes and legs, so scary, so scary"
(I hate spiders, not so much scared anymore, but I still hate them... So creepy)
'She fought that ice demon, drum demon and boar idiot without fear, but a little spider, has got her like this' I thought to myself stunned"Maybe you should head back, um check on Zenitsu"
"OK... Yeah... Don't take too long" she said walking away.

(Y/n) pov
'Am I lost, but I... I thought it.... No, not there.... Here?' I wandered back but couldn't find the exit. "How did I get lost!!!" I shouted at myself.
After walking around a bit I came across two demons talking,a small one in the bushes talking to a older female demon sitting on a rock with we b attached to her fingers'God the really are spider demons, uuhhh'Pushing that aside I tried listening in.

Spider mom's pov
'The closer those brats get the stronger my threads are, so in turn so are my dolls' I thought
"Mother" a voice tore me from my thoughts, I looked at the trees to see-
"Rui" I could tell without seeing his face the demonic aura he gives
"Can we win....will this take too long" he said staring me down, that stare
"......" I couldn't talk to scared of what he could do
"If you don't... I'll tell father" he said his stare intensifying
"I can do it, mother can do it... Please don't tell your father" I begged him, the pain the would put me through is too much, I was too scared
"OK hurry up" he said taking off.
"Urgh, I'll just release my big one early who needs those other puppets" I pulled the right strings letting go a few random demons slayers'I don't need them'I then pulled the right ones releasing my big puppet, just as I was about to control it, I felt another demonic presence behind me.
'Rui?... Did he come back, no this is weaker than Rui, but who then?' I was turned around to see nothing, but presence moved in-"Aahhhh..." as i turned back I felt my hands being cut off.
"Don't move" she said putting the blade to my neck.
'She cut off my hands to stop me from attacking' I started shaking tears threatening to spill"Please... I don't want to die"she flinched slightly. 'But if she's a demon slayer... Why.... Why is she giving off a demonic aura even now??'
"I've got some questions to ask, then I'll decide what to do with you" she said no restraint in her voice.

Tanjiro pov
"Anything you can do I can do better!!!" Inosuke said grabbing me and throwing me into the air.
'I see now I can get the demon pulling the strings' I couldn't smell it anymore but I remembered where it was and got ready.
As I was coming down ready to strike instead of the demon I found (y/n) 'Crap if I don't slow down I'll hit her, thrid form:water wheel' I tried slowing down but it wasn't enough"(Y/n) look out"she took note off me but instead of moving she released a gust of wind slowing me down as I landed.
"When did you learn to fly Tanjiro?" she asked cheekily
"No Inosuke just threw me.. But I thought there was a demon here?"
"Don't worry I dealt with her"
"Anyway I got some info of that demon.... There's a member of the twelve Kizuki here" she said
"Here, where?"
"I don't know exactly but, she did seems afraid as someone the reffered to as Father.. But then she was also scared of the kid, maybe she was the weakness one" she started rambling
"Well they'll probably be further in let's go" I told her,i turned back to see her staring off to the distance and looking at her hand.
"Did I do the right thing,...... she just looked so scared..." she mumbled to herself before looking up at me seemingly remembering I was there"Yeah let's go already"


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