Chapter 13

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This next one's for @bella_R , thanks for voting. XP

And special thanks to @Lola_frost and @mariahearts2015 for the ideas for the chapter. You guys helped me out just in time to figure out what to put in this chapter.
Adam pushed the door open for me and the second I stepped foot into the place, yells, cheers, shouts engulfed me.

I tugged at the hoodie's sleeves and shrunk back into it's warmth, trying to seek comfort as adrenaline rushed through me at the familiar surrounding.

I love this place but the fact that I'm not alone as I stroll through the place is bothering me.

There's a reason why I use a nickname in this place and do not associate with them when I meet them anywhere but here.

I stuck to Adam's side, trying to blend in for once and we walked through crowd. Adam was having a hard time finding his cousin and I was beyond anxious while Jake, Dom and Monic trailed behind us.

I didn't like her coming with but she finally wormed her way into a loop hole and got her pass. This place is anything but safe and I wouldn't forgive myself if anything happens to my baby sister. She's just a kid and she doesn't deserve being in these type of dangers.

She can go to jail, get beat up, die and all that shit. She deserves none of it and although I know she's capable of defending herself but I'm still not comfortable with her being around buff guys that seem like they can break a brick with a flick of their hands.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by a rough calloused hand clasping my wrist and gripping it tight.

Looking back, I saw a stranger, bulky one at that. I looked around for Adam and the others but it seemed that I lost them halfway through the crowd.

I have got to stop being out of it in random places.

"What do you want?" I snapped at the stranger after a failed attempt in trying to catch a certain brown mob of hair.

In what I've observed so far, his steps were slightly off balance, his posture was slumped and he was slurring incoherent words but I was able to make out a few words which I think was supposed to be, "Let's ditch and have fun, sexy."

I scrunched my face up in disgust and wrenched my hand away swiftly. I decided that I wanted to quote something. I forgot where I heard it but it went something like, "You repel me."

I whispered it in the stranger's ear before pushing him lightly backwards, causing him to stumble a bit and fall onto his butt. I pivoted my heels and proceeded my search for Adam and found him talking with a guy that was somehow familiar and yet has a few features that reminds me of Adam. I guess he found his cousin. Though I still can't shake the feeling of having met him somewhere, I shrugged it off and approached the two.

When I was a foot away from them, Adam finally saw me and waved me over.

"Hey, I lost you there for a minute."

Boy, you have no idea.

"Did I miss something?"

Yes, you ass-butt. "Oh, no, nothing at all."

He hummed, looking at me suspiciously but I managed to ignore his stare and he finally decided to introduce me.

"Zac, this is Cassandra. Nerd, this is my cousin, Zachariah."

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