Chapter 20

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Hello, you've reached Penelope's voicemail. I can't pick up right now so please leave a message. *beep*

"Uh, hi, Penny. I know I just said this in the past 30 something voicemails I left but, yeah. I just wanted to make sure you're alright. Call me back when you can, yeah?"

I sighed before hanging up.

I rubbed my face, trying to make the worry lines go away.

I've been sitting on this same, worn out swing in the backyard of Adam's house for the past 30 minutes, trying to reach out to Penelope. The others were waiting inside

If anything happens to her..

I shook my head, trying to push all my paranoid thoughts away. That can't be healthy.

I settled for staring off in the distance, wondering what the hell happened to my life and thinking back to Adam's sticky situation. His mom.. Dammit. I need to find out how to help them out. I just need to.

Just then, my phone rang and I immediately tore my gaze away from the flower petals on the ground before me and stare at my buzzing phone instead.

The name 'Penelope' was flashing and I took a deep breath before letting it all go and slid my thumb over the screen.

"Hello?" A meek voice called out and I sighed in relief when I heard the familiar sound.

"Penny! Where have you been? Are you alright? Where are you?" I bombarded her before she could even say anymore word.

I heard a sob from the other line and my heart raced for a second, thinking that she was held hostage or something. I shot to my feet and stood straight.

"Penny, are you okay?" I called out in a rush.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. Case, I thought they got you. Oh my God. I-I thought-" sobs followed after that.

I hushed her, ensuring that I'm fine and continued to ask her on her whereabouts.

"I'm in my aunt's house, an hour away from town, I took a bus here and she immediately took me in. I contacted my parents last night." I sighed in relief and I felt like I can finally breathe again.

"Oh God, Case. I was so scared. I'm so sorry I haven't been answering your calls, I was scared that they were on the other line. I'm sorry I left you, oh God. I feel awful." Despite myself, I smiled at her concern for my well being.

"I'm okay, Pen, a few bruises and a split lip but I'll live." She gasped at that.

"How did you get out of there alive? Did they..?" She sounded hesitant to continue and I could hear her gulp through the line and I caught on, flushing a deep shade of red.

"What, no! Heavens no. God forbid, Pen!" I frantically interrupted before pausing to calm the air.

"I-" I thought my answer over. I can't tell her that I fought them, no girl in their right mind would do that, it'll raise some suspicions so instead I told her a stranger stepped in and a friend I called during the fight came to help.

"Oh, thank goodness then. You have no idea how worried I was. Thank you, Case. For everything. For not letting them catch up to me, for risking your life to let me get away. Thank you." I could hear the tears behind her words and my eyes tear up.

There was just something in helping people, a feeling that I'm addicted to. It's just something I do out of sheer pleasure. It's always the little things, the pencil lending, the listening to people as they pour their hearts out and the process of donating or giving money to the homeless.

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