Page 18: Memories Back, Or So You Think:

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Regina walked into the hospital, heading to Belle's room to see her packing, while Dream followed behind her mother. Regina knocked on the opened door, making Belle look up at her. "Hello." Regina smiled at Belle. "Hi." Belle smiled back. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Regina. I'm the mayor of this town... And this is my eldest, Dream. We just wanted to make sure you're okay." Regina said, walking up to Belle's bed as Dream stayed by her side.

"That's... That's very thorough of you." Belle chuckled, looking surprised as Regina and Dream smiled at her. "Thank you, but I'm fine... I think I am. Mr. Gold's getting me discharged. He believes he can help me remember who I am." Belle explained, making Regina chuckle a bit.

"Does he, now?" Regina asked when Belle nodded. "Hey, Dream, sweetie... Why don't you get her a drink of water?" Regina asked when Dream furrowed her brow but nodded, heading to get Belle some ice water.

Belle went back to packing her bag when Regina looked down at the floor. She bent down, pretending to pick something up, when she opened her hand to a matchbox from The Rabbit Hole. She enchanted it before standing back up. "What's this, dear?" Regina asked, making Belle look up at her. "Did you drop it?" Regina asked, holding out the small box to Belle.

"Don't think so..." Belle shrugged, taking the box from Regina.

"Keep looking, dear," Regina said while watching Belle shrug it off. Belle sighed when she picked it back up, and her eyes widened. "Wait... I know what this is. I think I remember who I am." Belle exclaimed, looking up at Regina, who smiled at her.

"That's wonderful..." Dream smiled when she walked back into the room with a cup of ice water. "Yes... Well, I'm sure Mr. Gold will be thrilled." Regina said when Dream sat the cup on the bedside table.

"These all the places you saw it?" Tamara asked, looking at the map on Greg's bed with pins on it. "Yeah. This town is lousy with magic. Now, you should go. If Neal suspects anything... it's gonna make everything we have to do that much harder." Greg said when he stood by the bed with Tamara. "Don't worry; he won't... Greg, have you had any luck finding him?" Tamara asked when she sighed to herself.

"My dad? No, but he's here. I'm sure of it." Greg said, looking down at the map, when Tamara moved closer to him, grabbing his hand.

"We will find him." She said, making him look at her.

"I know. But one thing at a time. Now, you were able to get the package here, right?" Greg asked, turning his whole body to face Tamara. "It's right outside town. Couldn't just drive in with it." Tamara smirked at him. "And it's stable?" Greg asked, making her chuckle.

"Very." She said, causing both of them to smirk. "I'll bring the package in tonight. Be ready." Tamara said, walking towards the door and leaving.

~season 2, episode 19: "Lacey"~

~504 words~

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