Page 47: Where Did They Take Henry?

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Gold got back onto the ship when he walked over, meeting Hook halfway. "So, are you done trying to kill me?" Gold asked when Dream noticed the interaction from standing with her mother. "I believe so." Hook said when Regina saw the fear on her daughter's face, when Regina nudged Dream while the others started to walk over to them. "Excellent. Then you can live." Gold said in a threatening tone.

"Dad..." Dream spoke up, causing both Hook and Gold to look at her.

Neither of them said anything when Gold waved his hand. Onto of the nearest barrel, a puff of dark blue smoke made an empty white globe appear. Gold pricked his finger on the small needle on the top of the globe, letting the blood from his finger drop onto the globe. The group watched as the globe showed a map in red. 

"Where is that?" Regina asked while they all looked confused, except for Gold and Hook. "Where did they take Henry?" Dream asked the two of them.

"Neverland..." Hook said when he looked at the brunette girl, fear in his tone.

"Neverland?" Dream asked, looking between her mother and father. 

Dream stood by Hook, dumping out the magic bean into Hook's palm. Hook moved to the side, throwing it into the water. Everyone, but Hook, held onto the ropes of the ship while Hook controlled the wheel.

"So, who are we up against?" David asked, holding onto a rope and his wife. "Who are Greg and Tamara?" He continued to ask.

"They're merely pawns... Manipulated by forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're truly working for." Gold explained as everyone had to hold on tight due to the wind and the rocky waters from the portal as Hook steered his ship closer to the whirlpool portal. "And who's that?" Emma asked when Regina held her hand out to hold Dream's hand. "Someone we all should fear." Gold sighed when Dream looked at her parents.

"That's comforting coming from the Dark One!" Dream said, sarcastically, when Emma agreed with her. The ship sailed into the portal, before it closed behind them.

~season 2, episode 22: "And Straight on 'til Morning"~

~363 words~

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