Page 43: Regina's Sacrifice:

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Meanwhile, in the dwarf mines, Emma walked in front with a flashlight, while Regina followed behind while they looked for where the trigger was. "I can feel it. It's like the oxygen is being sucked out of the air..." Emma sighed when she kept looking for it. "Not the oxygen. The magic..." Regina sighed, worried about if Dream would survive this. She knew Henry would, but despite Dream being born into this world. She had magic. She was born from magic. She worried that Dream would not survive this.

"There it is," Regina said when she turned the corner with Emma, seeing the glowing blue diamond. "Once it stops glowing, its destruction is achieved. And then, well, then, we'll see the real carnage." Regina sighed, explaining what she knew of the trigger while carefully walking around it. "I'll try to contain its energy as long as I can," Regina said, looking at Emma when she moved to the other side of the trigger.

"It won't be long... They'll have the bean soon. Then we can get out of here." Emma said when Regina tried not to cry, looking at her fate in front of her.

"Slowing the device... it's going to require all the strength I have." Regina sighed when Emma's eyes widened a bit, realizing what Regina was saying. "You're not going with us, are you? When you said goodbye to Henry and Dream, you were saying goodbye..." Emma asked when Regina just smiled a bit, thinking of her children. "They know I love them, don't they?" She asked, making Emma sigh.

"Regina, no. There has got to be another way." Emma tried to fight, not wanting Regina to kill herself in order to save the town. Henry and Dream needed her.

"You were right, you know... Everything that's happening, it's my fault. I created this device. It's only fitting that it takes my life." Regina said, knowing that she just wanted to save her children. "What am I supposed to tell Henry? Or Dream?" Emma asked her when Regina smiled a bit to herself. 

"Tell them that in the end, it wasn't too late for me to do the right thing." Regina smiled at Emma. "And in my home office... There is a glass vase with a glowing red rose. Please take it with you. Gold will know what to do with it. What I should have done twenty years ago..." Regina said when Emma sighed, looking at her. 

"Regina, please..." 

"Everyone looks at me as the Evil Queen, including my children. Let me die as Regina." Regina pleaded, making Emma sigh, seeing that Regina finally changed to be good.

Emma turned to leave to do what Regina said about the rose, but she stopped herself, not wanting to leave Regina behind. "Regina..." Emma went to say, but it was too late; Regina was already slowing the trigger down. Emma hurried off, knowing that they did not have long until the town was to be taken over. 

~season 2, episode 22: "And Straight on 'til Morning"~

~503 words~

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