Page 37: Stopping Greg and Tamara:

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Emma held up her gun while they snuck into the Cannery, while Neal stayed close behind her. "You sure you want to be here?" Emma asked while she still held her gun, looking around for anyone. "I'm not gonna leave you alone in this place," Neal told her. "If something goes down with Tamara, I need to know you've got my back." Emma continued to tell him, making him sigh.

"Emma, if Tamara is hiding Regina and my sister here, in her evil lair by the docks, yeah, I got your back," Neal said when they continued to sneak around until they heard a clatter. Emma and Neal hid behind a pipe until they heard the clatter again. Emma rushed out, aiming her pistol, only to see her dad doing the same thing, with Mary Margaret behind him. "What the heck, guys?" Emma sighed, when both she and David lowered their guns.

"Here... So, that doesn't happen again." David said, handing Emma a walkie-talkie.

"You and Mary Margaret take the basement. We'll search the main floor. Regina and Dream have got to be here somewhere." Emma said to her parents, who nodded. David walked towards the basement, while Mary Margaret followed him, while Neal continued to follow Emma.

"Time to go." Tamara scoffed, putting the trigger bag into her bag, before knocking on the window to get Greg's attention. Greg looked confused when he walked up to the door to ask Tamara what was going on. "They found us." Tamara sighed when Greg scoffed.

"Who? Emma and Neal? I thought that you took care of them." 

"Yeah, so did I. We need to go." Tamara sighed when Greg shook his head. "No. No, no, no, no, no. I need more time with her... Hook took my only chance to get through to her." Greg sighed when Tamara knew that they did not have time to waste. "Look, Greg, if you get caught, this whole thing is blown--" Tamara went to tell him.

"We wouldn't even know about this town if it wasn't for my dad. I'm not leaving until I find out where he is." Greg said, turning to go back to his machine and turning the dial.

"Fine... Meet me at the rendezvous point when you're done." Tamara said, walking away from the door.

"I'm moving up the timeline. I'm gonna give you one last chance. Tell me where my father is..." Greg demanded when Regina stayed quiet. "Okay, time's up," Greg said, going back to turn up the dial.

"Wait," Regina spoke up, weakly, when Greg turned to look at her.

"Where is he?" Greg asked her, making Regina smirk a bit.

"Dead," Regina said as she watched the angry look on Greg's face turn to an upset look. "I killed him the minute you ran away," Regina said, having no remorse for what she did.

"No, you're lying to me." Greg scoffed at her.

"Don't believe me? Go see for yourself." Regina said when Greg did not want to believe her. "You see the thing about magic... Is that it has all kinds of spells. Including spells to give those who cannot bear children the chance to. Which includes a blossom from the roots of a dead, innocent soul." Regina said when she continued to look at Greg. "I buried his body at your campsite. I doubt he gets many visitors there since my daughter was born. Now, go ahead and kill me. I just wanted to see the look on your face when I--" Regina was cut off by her own screaming since Greg hit the button on the machine out of anger.

"You feel that? Huh? That's the end of you. That's scary, ain't it?" Greg asked when he hit the button again until Regina went to pass out from the pain. "Now, you're never going to hurt anyone ever again." Greg threatened, about to press the button again, but he jumped back as the machine caught on fire.

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