Chapter 1

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I had a dream where I met someone. She was a woman that I had never encountered before. Feelings and movements that had never been experienced before just like flew out of me and I felt like I was out of nowhere. Although I remembered the woman's figure and clothing, I didn't remember her face since it was blurred. I remembered flashing lights. And those weird sounds that surrounded us as we danced! Those sounds came out of nowhere. It all seemed so wrong but yet unfamiliar and somehow good, too. I had no idea why I had bad and good thoughts in that dream. 

Then, in my dream, suddenly, I felt like I fell from the sky onto the green grass, out of nowhere. I tried to open my eyes slowly. As I finally shifted my eyes fully I heard my phone vibrating and ringing.

I had a hard time seeing who was calling because my eyes were tired. I had to blink my eyes for some time until I coped with the bright light which the phone's screen showed. After my vision cleared, I saw on my phone's screen that my best friend, Alex, was calling. I answered him without further hesitation.

"Hey man, rise and shine!" was the first thing that I heard from the phone. He almost screamed so I pushed my phone a little bit away from my ear for some seconds until I placed it back to my ear to answer him.

"Alex, what time is it?" I only asked first calmly and wiped with my left hand my eyes.

"Let's's 2 AM, good morning, my love," he teased me happily. My eyes widened instantly and I looked at my fancy clock on the black-colored wall. It was truly 2 AM.

"WHAT?! Are you mad?! There was so much sweetness in my dream, and then you ruined it...Sheesh! Now I start to understand why you called this early! It must be very urgent," I said, pulling my blanket away from my body, and stood up a bit more.

"If you were here you'd see my reaction right now, and I bet you won't want to see it right now," I added in a dark voice while I took a glance outside. It was still dark outside and the tree was exactly under my window. I saw how a small breeze bended and twisted that tree's branches.

"I'm so-so sorry for interrupting your dream but it is an urgent call because I have bought yesterday to you tickets to STOCKHOLM! Man, you're flying to Stockholm next week! And guess what! You will be there for one whole week! Everything has been done for you! You have to go there only. Isn't this fantastic?" he said. The man was so enthusiastic that he almost forgot to breathe in between his words. I scratched my head nervously.

"You have done WHAT?! In the middle of the night, you are saying it...really...Oh my God! I'm speechless! Man, you are insane!"

"I know I am "insane" somehow, but this is so important for me. I have planned it for some time."

"Why did you organize this thing without saying anything to me?" I asked seriously.

"Look, the thing is. Whenever I call or visit, you're always in the middle of work. In this case, either at work or at home, I have seen you doing your job. Man, you need a vacation! Those company things and so on – you ought to put those matters sometimes into the background! It doesn't count at this point that you are a CEO!"

I laughed happily as I asked him, "Why am I not impressed with it?"

"I'm not joking, really! Do you think I joke around at this hour?! Man, you're just... "

"...impossible," I finished his sentence, and he burst into laughter with me.

"Right. But this is the truth. You need to take some time off. You're working 24/7. You do a lot of paperwork. What I'm saying is, get outta your death circle!! I believe you would feel more good after that Stockholm trip! Man, I can't imagine what I would do in Stockholm," he stated dreamingly.

"I'm glad you really do care about me."

"Come on, we're friends. What are friends for! Of course, I care about you and your health."

"Thank you," I said and closed my eyes, and smiled. "Thank you, really," I repeated and scratched my head again because something had made me unexpectedly cheerful.

"Man, that's what I call true friendship! Ah, right, I thought that I'd like to jump to your place tomorrow at 10 AM, is that okay with you?"

"Yeah-yeah, that's cool with me. You know I get a laugh marathon when I see your "happy shirt", so make sure you wear it! It is hilarious!" I said.

Again, I burst into laughter as I added, "You have to wear it to keep my mood so up." On the shirt was written, "Keep calm and drink champagne". That was very hilarious and his face would be even more comical as he would wear it.

"Ah, man! You are so mean! But alright, as you wish!"

"Thank you, you have enlightened my day or at least the beginning of the new day!" I said happily.

"Sure. No problem!"

We ended our call. My phone showed that we talked for 12 minutes and 32 seconds. I hoped that tomorrow would be better day for me to think about that. Traveling to Sweden was unexpected in the middle of winter.

As I have thought about my things, I took my blanket, covered my body with it, and tried to get some sleep. It was still so early. I needed to get more sleep to be refreshed in the morning. As I closed my eyes I remembered that woman in my dream. With some minutes tossing and turning in my bed I was finally getting some sleep. 

A/N: Hello to you, who stumbled upon my story! It's nice to see you reading my story! This is awesome, and I'm glad that you find some time to read it.

I like to say some opening words about this story.

This is my fictional story, so there's no way that everything, including people's names, their stories, etc., is true. Everything here is pure fiction.

This story is so-so right now, because it will be edited, so I understand some paragraphs are too long, while others are too short. I will deal with the editing pretty soon, so be patient, and I hope you understand me.

If you want to leave a comment on my story, I recommend you NOT say out loud any negative and very terrible things. Please keep your "nasty" comments to yourself and don't blurt out "bad" what comes out of your mouth under my story's comments section. So, please don't say rude and horrible things! 

However, a SLIGHT criticism is still acceptable, as long as it is constructive and does not discourage me as a writer. We all have our pros and cons, so please understand it!

Last but not least, I hope you enjoy my story. And I hope you feel curious about what will happen next in every chapter, so I encourage you to keep on reading.

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