Chapter 30

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! You're gonna read chapter 30!


The next day, when I got back to work after getting better, things remained the same. The problems continued to linger on and on. While I was sitting in the office trying to make sense of the graphs, Ashley came into my office.

"Hey, Christian! Do you have some time to talk to me?"

"What is it now?" I asked impatiently as I looked at her. She closed the door behind her and headed to sit down on the couch. I loosen my tie again, because I felt suddenly suffocating.

"I need a day off tomorrow."

"WHAT??? You have worked that much, and you want a day off tomorrow?! Are you out of your mind?" I asked angrily and slammed my hands on the desk. I calmed down as she looked at me. She was horrified as she jerked because of my reaction.

"I know that I'm not worked here that long yet, but I really need a day off."

"What's going on? Why do you need a day off?"

"I have a movie date with Lars."

"And so? Is that so important? Job comes first, you know!" I said coldly. She sighed, like she knew, how I would reply.

"Ah, come on! It is a big deal!" she shouted.

"No, it's not a big deal!" I replied arrogantly.

"We haven't had so much time for each other lately and haven't even had time to hang out. Please don't refuse, because my man has bought tickets to the 8 PM session for tomorrow."

"Should I believe you?"

"Yes, please help me out! I don't ask you too much," she begged me.

"Why do I have to help you? Do I have to help you with all of what you have done to me?" I asked loudly. She gulped as she gazed at me. I strengthened my back while I sat in my chair. She got more serious.

"I know what I have done and I know what you have done to me," she replied. She seemed pretty conserned.

"What have I done then?"

"You... landed a kiss on my lips that morning," she said shyly, and blushed. I gulped and blushed as well. That was unexpected, and I didn't never thought, she would say out loud that.

"Huh? That... that wasn't nothing... just... I tested your nerves, you know!" I said, still blushing. Her face got more flushed, as she looked at me. We acted like kids - blushing over nothing that serious!

"Tested my nerves? Are you mad?! That was a stupid thing to test on me, you know!"

"Ah, forget it, okay?" I said, giving up. She didn't stop.

"No, I can't!"

"You act like we haven't done it yet! We have kissed twice before!" I exclaimed angrily, and stood up from my chair.

I walked towards her and stood in front of her. I leaned closer to her and surrounded her with both hands as she stared at me nervously.

Then, we stared angrily into each other's eyes until suddenly, she pulled me from my tie to get closer to her, then my forehead touched hers. She was so close to me again that I gasped, and her ears blushed.

"I don't act like we haven't kissed, but that's forbidden, you know. We agreed to refrain from physical contact between us. You broke the rule!" she told me, hissing those sentences through her white teeth, while looking angrily at me. She was right. I did broke the rule.

"Huh? You're right... we agreed on that. I'm sorry, I don't know what came up to my mind back then," I said and backed off. She nodded.

Then, she adjusted her shirt as I went to sit down behind my desk.

"I told you I was right! I always tell the truth," she said egoistically.

"You always tell the truth? Is that your way of praising yourself? You have lied. I bet you are lied at least once. Everyone has lied once in a life," I replied philosophically.

I made the right choice by choosing philosophy as my subject at university. It made me well-educated, and gave me lots of opportunities to learn how to talk truly in different situations.

"You don't know me well to say that I have ever lied. I'm an honest person who never tells lies. You have no idea about me and my personal life!"

"I don't believe a word of what you say," I said coldly as I gazed at her. She rolled her eyes and then sighed.

"You have believed me, at least the scandal thing."

"WHAT? Was that a lie, then?" I asked shockingly. She blurted into laughter.

"No, as you can see, then it's not a lie."

"Right... You win! I give up! Enough! Are you happy now?" I said, giving up. I had to give up, because it was pointless to argue with her.

"Yes. Let me take my day off tomorrow."

"Fine! You get your day off! But be sure you will finish your work on time and that you will be back at work the next day," I told her.

"Thank you so much, Mr. CEO, you are the best!" she said happily and beamed. She then left, and I pondered that for a while until I came up with something sudden.

After thinking things through, I called my secretary to my office. She came pretty quickly to my office, which was perfect.

"Sir, what's up?" she asked as she came in after knocking on the door.

"Please schedule me one ticket for tomorrow's 8 PM film session," I said calmly, tapping a pen on my desk.

"Yes, sir. I will get it to you," she said and left.

After she left, I looked satisfied. I did not know why I did what I did, but I did it. I got that ticket after 2 hours, and after getting that ticket, I headed home, to wait for tomorrow. New York had one of the most famous cinemas, so I assumed she was going there with him.

The next day, after I got home, I changed my suit to black hoodie and dark jeans. I had to look like someone not famous.

Then once I got to the cinema, I sat in the back row, where it was pitch black and no one would see me. They sat down some rows away from me, so I had a nice view of them.

When the movie had run for a while, Lars suddenly brushed her hair away from her forehead, and she giggled quietly. Then they held hands and their fingers were tied. Lars then put some popcorn in her mouth and kissed her. I made a quiet "woah" sound and my eyes widened instantly. I wanted to run to them, but I didn't do it.

The movie was still running. I had no time to concentrate on the film. Then, Ashely put her head onto Lars' shoulder. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip because it was unexpected, and I moaned quietly.

I then realized that I had bought some popcorn. I ate some popcorn in a hurry. People around me looked at me weirdly with their judgemental eyes. They were totally disturbed. The suspicious look I had with my hoodie over my head made people disturb and the more they looked at me, the more I got nervous.

I then looked at Ashley and Lars again. I wondered how it would be if I were beside her instead of Lars? I then pulled my hoodie even closer to my face as I ate popcorn. I was totally a stalker. My eyes focused only on them.

While my eyes were on them, I continued to eat popcorn without thinking. I had no time to watch the movie, and I did not know what that movie was all about. I stalked them until the movie ended.

A/N: Yay, I sense some kind of jealous! Yaiks, Christian starts to get jealous! What a progress! Don't you think it's weird, that almost every time they meet somehow, they end up talking about they shared kisses? Does that kiss really meant to Christian something very deep?  I bet it was something meaningful for him. Grab your popcorn (if you haven't eaten it yet), and read on. It has been already a long ride - 30 chapters - and it's not gonna end yet! Things will heat more up, I promise! Stay tuned!

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