Chapter 7

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Day 2: Stockholm

As those people promised above my room, they were silent for the rest of that night. I had a wonderful dream. I was fully refreshed after satisfying sleep and it felt like I hadn't had such a pleasant dream for a long time. I knew I was exhausted and so. I can't recall what I dreamed, but when I woke up I seemed much more fresh and ready to go out.

In the morning, I wanted to head outside to see if I could try skiing down the mountain. It was obviously my first time skiing down a huge mountain. Not that I haven't tried to ski, but those kinds of huge mountains what were in Sweden, even though USA had its own ski-resorts and mountains, and it really made me get chills because those mountains were so much higher than in the States. Before I put on my thick clothes, my friend, Alex called me.

"Hey, man, how are you doing?" he asked happily behind the phone. A loud bang sound was heard.

"Oh, don't be bothered by that. My little man is trying to play drums with some dishes," he explained and we both laughed about it.

"That's okay. You asked, how I am? I'm fine, but to mention, I was terribly disturbed yesterday."

"Oh my, what happened?" he exclaimed in shock.

"I saw the same woman three times. Three times! One time, I helped her avoid a dangerous situation. The second time I thought she was following me as I bumped into her on the mountain road. And the third time, as I was trying to get some sleep in the hotel at the night yesterday, and she was about to cross the line...And I bet these cases will go on."

"Oh, I see. That sounds a bit annoying. Do you know who she is, though?"

"When I asked if she was Swedish, she didn't answer. She said that I think too much about myself. But I'm not a man who thinks about himself too much!"

"So you both argued, right?" he asked seriously and I rolled my eyes because of it.

"Yes, actually 3 times. And her guy had a fit because of it."

"3 times?! And he got really angry? Wow, you seem to be changed after all. But I'm afraid of you at this occurrence that things will change you more than this you're now."

"I'm not changed! Man, I'm the same as usual!" I stated in a disturbed voice.

After closing my eyes for a few seconds, I added, "I'm starting to dislike her."

As he laughed, he said, "a romance could blossom from the first hate." I felt odd about it.

"You fool! I hate her, not love her! You've misunderstood me!" I stated now angrily but after few seconds, said calmly, "this doesn't count as love!"

"I didn't misunderstand you, Christian. These things happen in TV shows a lot."

"Movies and so! That's not the case! But! What I said is the truth! I totally hate her! If you had suffered through the same things, what would you do or how would you react?" I asked.

"Let me think. I would probably leave it that way because who knows who she is. In fact, normal people would never argue with a stranger. Was her boyfriend that fired up for sure?"

"Yes, he was in a rage. He almost wanted to suffocate me! I got his name, too, because that woman told me his name was Lars," I said and looked outside. I saw such a picturesque sight.

"You say her man name's Lars?! He's definitely from Sweden. That's awesome! How was he looking like? Was he handsome?"

"Handsome?! I could easily say that I was scared off by his appearance. He was kind of... well, handsome and tall. And that look in his eyes! You could have seen that!"

His voice sounded almost like screaming as he asked, "What's up with his eyes, man?"

"Those blue eyes of his...oh my God, they so irritated me. He's totally an abnormal person because he was so in a rage!"

"That's kind of strange, isn't it?" he asked calmly.

"Tell me how the argument ended? Who gave up?"

"What do you think?"

"You gave up, didn't you?"


"Did you make any kind of agreement, too? Or...or did he say something rude to you when you left?" he asked seriously.

"He did say that he didn't want to see me near his girl. His voice was so harsh and cold. He overreacted because I didn't touch his girl! If I had wanted to grab from her collar, then that didn't count, because I did not do it."

"So your instincts run wild because of her?"

"It wasn't like I wanted to do something with her but it was because I was truly irritated and was in a rage," I muttered.

"Man...I can't imagine what else you will suffer from. This is pretty annoying for sure. I hope you won't see her again. Ah, by the way, what was your plan today?" he asked and changed the topic suddenly. That was a blessing!

"I was planning to do some skiing. However, I have never tried to ski down from a higher mountain, so I don't know if I enjoy it or not. I am feeling down, and my day has started off in a not-so-good way. It's not because of your call but that it remained me that woman about whom I talked about."

"I'm sorry about it. I apologize for urging you to tell everything about it. But I give you a tip: get her out of your head! It doesn't matter whether she was right or terrible to you, just stop thinking about those problems she caused. In fact, this vacation what I planned was about to give you a break and refresh you not to cause any problems."

"You have a point after all."

"That's why I decided to study medicine! Okay, man. I'm now in a hurry. Casey is worried about me, and she wants to see her parents, so I have to leave," he said enthusiastically.

"Okay, sure. Take care! Oh, tell Casey that I miss her and her son!" I told him.

"Okay, thanks, I will say it, take care!" he said and I pressed "end call".

I sighed as I looked at my phone screen. Things were complicated after all. My plans, however, were still on, so I didn't want to waste more time thinking about her and the problems she caused. As a result, I decided I wanted to go outside. The day was sunny and probably much warmer than yesterday, so getting out of the hotel was a wise idea. The only way I could get out of the weird thoughts was to do something very different from what I normally do. 

Chasing the Unreachable LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz