Chapter 63

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! You're about to read chapter 63!


The nothing-saying conversation with my vicepresident left me thinking about it the rest of the day. He was such a fool as he had always been. Even so, at that time, it felt like he was the most foolish man he had ever been in his lifetime. It wasn't really that terrible thing that I wanted to rehire Ashley.

Anyway, she was the one who told me to rehire her. However, the vicepresident accused me it was all my idea to make her work here again. What was his problem with Ashley? The vicepresident was around the same age as I, so was there something I didn't know? Did he have a "dirty secret" and hide it? Did he know her or did Ashley know him? Ahh! It just made me mad!

I really didn't mean to say it to him by being mean and cruel to him. I wanted to let him know I had such a plan, but he didn't wish to see her face here ever again just like Ashley and the vicepresident had argued or like something had gone on between them before in the past. And I wondered was she really that bad-natured person? She wasn't that terrible person! At all!

Honestly, Ashley was sometimes problematic and so. The first time we met, I thought she was a lunatic who made me feel foolish in situations where I shouldn't have been a fool. But as I have learned more about her, she could also be kind and productive when it comes with photography, because it was her passion.

Ashley did her job with passion, since it was something she liked. Indeed, some days she overstepped boundaries, where she shouldn't have crossed at my company. Then again, those kinds of things didn't happen often or casually while she worked for me. She totally needed some time to get to know my vicepresident, that's all.

Why didn't the vicepresident believe me? It all made me feel so worried and overwhelmed that I wanted to let everything out of myself by crying. However, I knew I shouldn't cry in board daylight with no apparent reason in my office...

Even if I had a reason, no one would believe or listen to me. I just had to figure things out on my own, especially that vicepresident's reaction. He totally missed the opportunity to rehire someone capable, and he didn't regret his words. He was and would remain such a fool! I just had to ignore him sometimes. I had to do it no matter what!

When I had enough of pondering about vicepresident's remarks about Ashley, I concentrated for hours non-stop on my tasks and I had a stack of paperwork to comb through within a day. Even looking at that stack blankly and dispassionately exhausted me. I just had to push myself harder to do all the things I had to manage. It was just the first day I had been working at my office. It felt like the thousandth day of working here.

When my working hours were over, I drove home. Without even thinking about it for too long, I headed to take a shower after arriving home, because I needed to refresh myself a bit and cool my head down. I had to put an end to everything that was colliding inside my head, like a thunderstorm.

While I showered, my hand slowly moved down to my stomach, where I got shot and where I had a wound. That wound was somehow a bit stinging while hot water ran over it. I sighed, as I began to rub the area to ease the pain. And I always thought I would never get shot, but it happened. I got shot because of someone I loved the most. It sounded like a modern Western film, and I laughed until I finished washing myself up.

As I was drying my hair with my towel after coming out of the hot shower, I heard a doorbell. After putting on my white T-shirt and tightening my trousers, and I ran towards the door. When I opened it, I found in front of myself Ashley, holding a bag with something.

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