Chapter 6

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Day 1: Stockholm

As I was trying to sleep, I heard loud voices. For all those sounds, it sounded like the furniture was placed on the second side of the room. I tried to cover my ear with a pillow but those sounds did continue to manifest. I then opened my eyes fully, hurriedly hopped out of the bed and listened. I wanted to make sure where those sounds came from, but I had no idea where that source was.

I climbed back into bed. I tried to put my head back on my pillow, but as soon as I closed my eyes, those noises returned. I stood again up. I looked toward the ceiling now, because it was clear that those sounds came from the above room. It was definitely like a zoo out there. Then, I took my courage to heart and decided to check out who was disturbing my beauty sleep.

Having ridden the elevator to the next floor, I knocked twice on the door where I thought those sounds were coming from. No reply. I was about to knock again. A woman opened the door to the room. Her hair was soaking wet and she wore a white bathrobe. Her hair was on her face so I didn't see her face at all. When she brushed her hair away from her face, I realized she was that woman.

"It's you AGAIN! What are you doing here?! Is there any excuse to explain what business you're doing here?" I looked at her as I asked shockingly. She only smirked mysteriously. She brushed more of her hair away from her face.

"I'd like to know the same thing. I have been here since yesterday. Oh come one! No one has ever said to us that we're too loud."

"WE? In the plural, you say, huh?" I said and raised my eyebrow. I saw no one else besides the soaking wet woman.

"I'm here with my man Lars. He has arrived here some moment ago," she chattered and beamed like a ray of the sun.

"Your man?! I can't believe that thing... It was disturbing to hear noises. I wanted to get some sleep, you know!"

"Well, we were having a good time. I'm sorry about that. Just as we crossed the line...or were about to cross it... he touched me wherever he could make me laugh. I giggled, and he-"

"Stop! That's gross!" I stated. Then I shook my head as I added, "no, don't tell me more about it." She was staring at my T-shirt nervously, which was with a wide collar, and I was staring at her white bathrobe which was almost half-opened. She stood a few meters away from me in the doorway like she sensed a threat.

"Vem är du? Vad vill du? Vem är du för henne?" a tall and half-naked man, wearing only a towel wrapped around his waist, asked as he walked towards me. I backed off a bit.

He was also soaking wet and waterdrops were dripping down from his bronze-colored skin. He was handsome but it was probably too much to say about him. He had a trained chest. His shoulders were wide and his height made me feel like I was smaller than him. His dark blue eyes were drilling into me. He then put his hands onto his hips and stood beside that woman, looking arrogantly at me.

"Han pratar inte svenska och han pratar engelska," she told him, and he made sharp eyes and stared at me more seriously than a while ago.

He pointed his finger at me and then to their room and asked, "who are you and what are you doing in MY ROOM?", emphasizing the word phrase "my room." His ego, the "pointing" at what was mine and the manner in which he expressed it made me laugh.

"As I tried to sleep, I heard disturbing noises coming from this room which disturbed my sleep. The woman told me you were about to cross the line," I snapped and looked angrily at him.

"Woah, calm down first. Your voice is too terrible. Calm down, would you? Yeah, we were having a little bit of fun..."

"A LITTLE?! It sounded as if a zoo is up in this floor, or at least a bunch of monkeys are trolling around," I said and laughed about my saying. Seeing his creepy face, I quickly returned to seriousness.

There was no doubt that he was like a monkey or a fully armed criminal. He could be doing deals with underground mafias and criminals who were loose in life. However, being a geek was too much to say about him. He didn't seem to be a geek at all.

"It's too much to say it, man, but watch your mouth! I have warned you! Do not talk with my woman and do not come behind our door anymore! You're a crazy!" he yelled at me, and she looked at me with astonished eyes.

"You say crazy, huh? Listen up, Lars or whatever. If you keep doing those things I will call the administrator and tell them everything. That's my right to do it. Are you both first-borns? I asked and clenched my fists. Both looked at me horrified, and Lars was getting more angry.

This woman said to her man as she moved toward him and wrapped her hands around his waist, chill out, honey. Don't you see that he's like an insane person?" she asked. Over Lars' face shone a wide smile. Lars pushed me back with quite some force as I stepped closer to them but I didn't react at all.

"Hey! Don't touch my sweetheart!" Lars said now as he kissed his girl's forehead.

"Your sweetheart, uh?" I laughed for a long time before I stopped.

"Go away, or else we just get into a fight. Isn't that the thing you just thought about doing?" Lars asked from me as he stared at my reaction.

"How do you know what I thought about?"

"I am a fortune-teller. Of course, I am not! GET LOST or I will rip your eyes out if you keep staring at MY GIRL!" he shrieked angrily, and firmly pressed his fingers into her bare neck. Her neck got red because of it. As I watched them and the more I looked at them the more Lars's eyes ignited in a desire to rip my eyes off. I had to surrender.

"Alright, I'll get moving. But keep it in your mind that if I hear any sounds again, then you both will be screwed!" I noted. I walked away from their room.

As I returned to my room, I was hoping that I would be able to get some sleep but I wasn't so sure. I opened my room door and jumped to my bed with a loud stump and there I lay until the morning and the sun rose.

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