Chapter 11

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Day 3: Stockholm

We headed to the cafe where we sat down and talked as she promised to do. The coffee house was quite crowded, but there were a few free tables. We walked to order. She ordered a cappochino, a cheese cake and for me she ordered an iced Americano. In case the press started following me, we took a seat under the window so we had a clear view. I took off my coat, she took off hers and we both sat down.

"Okay, now, tell me, what were you doing out there?" I asked as I took a sip of hot coffee.

"Oh, right. This may sound quite unexpected. Please, don't get me all wrong. I will explain everything," she warned me beforehand.

I nodded and then she continued, "I work for an American broadcasting system as a photographer," she clarified.

"You are what?! Is this a joke?" I said shockingly.

"No, it's the truth. I haven't yet told you the whole story," she added and sighed.

"Continue," I demanded curiously and narrowed my eyes.

"Well, the thing is about my boss and his thoughts. He has lost his mind because of the wealth he has. The company has such high income that the wealth drives him crazy."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked and frowned.

"Ah, let me say it. As he's into wealth, he always looks up the top 10 wealthiest people around the world chart on the internet. It's the most popular website ever which shows in real time the wealthiest people and their companies and net worth and so on," she said seriously.

"And so? Is that his weird hobby or what?" I asked and laughed. She rolled her eyes.

"No, that's not what I'm tellin' you! As he looked up last month's chart, he found out that you are more wealthy and successful than him. He has always been in the first position in that chart until last month when you took his place on that chart. His anger was overwhelming because of it."

"What?! Hold on! So, do you mean that he's envious of me?" I asked and looked at her. She nodded.

"Yes. That's the point here," she said and continued, "he wants to get revenge on you because you beated him in that chart. As that company specializes in broadcasting news and other media related activities, it's obvious why he had his cords connected in a flash."

"Is he that crazy? Please continue," I said and crossed my fingers on the table.

She continued, "after finding it all out that you're wealthier than him, he started to look for any way to find out more about you. In order to get revenge on you, he used his business contacts. He learned you were headed to Sweden for vacation, and he told us we should "accompany" you. He wanted us to stalk you in Sweden." I drank some coffee after she said it.

"WHAT???" I asked as I split the coffee out of my mouth. Luckily, it didn't fly onto her face. I quickly wiped it with a tissue because it flew onto a white coffee table.

I then added, as I finished the cleaning, "you're involved with THEM?! This is nuts! Then why did it have to be you who was the one stalking me?" I asked.

"I was forced to join the team! I was a very effective "weapon" for him to use, because I was familiar with Sweden because my boyfriend is a Swede. I have been living in Sweden for some years, too. It all explains why I know a little bit of Swedish. My fellows in that firm knew nothing about Sweden, so I had to come along to "stalk" you and to encourage them to stalk you. He wants to gather more information about your personal life in order to ruin your success with the "bad" information he gets about you."

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