Chapter 57

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! You're about to read chapter 57!


The next day was exhausting at home, because it was only the second day out of five to be at home. Even though I was home, it didn't mean that I wasn't doing my job as CEO. I had settled down in a home office for more next three days at my home. I had to deal with a lot of matters even in my home office, and it really made me distressed, because while I worked with my computer at home until late night hours, I really felt tired, and looking at the screen for hours made me mentally drained. I didn't really like working from home, but as I had wounds to heal, it was the best thing I could do to keep my wounds safe. And it was actually a blessing to be home for one reason, because as I was home, I didn't see that vicepresident's face. He was always angry and arrogant, as he saw me somewhere at the firm's headquarters. He really didn't like me to be the head of the company, but as he wasn't even trying to grab my position, it was fine. He had always been like that, and his manner had been the most awful since he began to work for my company.

Before I had to stay home for five days, I informed my office workers and the vicepresident to let them know, that I would work from home for five days. Of course the vicepresident and some other office workers got mad again, since my case was so sudden. They had no idea what had happened to me, before I told them that I got shot and was under surgery because of that bullet. Even reporters didn't report it to the news or newspapers. It felt like nothing had happened to me. And it was better for me, to let no one know that I got shot, even not in the news and newspapers. But as I had to stay at home for five days, I had to tell the truth to my office workers. In fact, the bullet wasn't really that deep inside me, so it stopped right before hitting my organs. So, I didn't see the reason to spread it around the world that I got shot by my former "best friend." Anyway, still, it made me lose a lot of blood, but thanks to fast moves, I was saved safely. My condition was critical for a while, but as my blood was strong, the critical situation faded away.

At home, I had to deal with upcoming presentations, arranging Skype meetings and making new deals with foreign countries. As Sweden was our products main importer and supplier, we needed to refresh our business relations with them, since it was finally March. Each month, we made signed contracts with foreign countries, to ensure that our devices could be imported into their countries safely and at a reasonable cost. Obviously, our main market was the European market, where most of our products were sold, but we also manufactured phones and tablets for our market in the United States.

Since European countries had their own standards for phones and tablets, we had to send our products to Sweden, which was also an intermediary point for us, and where our devices were changed from inside and outside to European standards. In many cases, Sweden changed the phones' and tablets' language packs, or if some of our products had errors, Sweden solved those cases. As we had produced for phones travel adapters, which were suitable only for United States homes' sockets, we had to send our phones and tablets to Sweden, where they had adapted the travel adapters and the SIM-cards to European standards. We hadn't produced our phones and tablets directly for the European market, so Sweden was the country to make phones and tablets according to European standards, so Sweden was somehow even our assembly plant.

I had another problem with my work. Last time, when I was at work, I had to hold a meeting, which was again canceled because of the incident. It meant another bunch of problems occuring to me. Because I couldn't arrange a meeting and every time I tried to hold it, it was canceled. Now it was a huge problem, since it was very important. And that problem didn't just affect me, but also my highly-respected team, which made things even more challenging. But that team did an excellent job co-operating with me, I always solved problems with them, because those workers were loyal and punctual. But at that time, it sounded like their punctuality had vanished and they needed my help.

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