Chapter 28

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! You're gonna read chapter 29!


"Tell me, where do you live?" she asked and took a brief glance at me while we were driving on the highway.

"Should I tell you?" I asked, still hesitant to speak up.

"Huh? You have to say it or else I just get you to the hospital. Is that the thing you want?"


"Then tell me your address. Am I on the right path?"

"Yes. You are driving in the right direction."

"So you do live in Manhattan, right?" she asked, smiling. I looked at the rear view mirror and coughed a bit.

"Yes." I blushed.

"In which street?"

"In the Fifth Avenue."

"Oh my God, that's where filthy rich people live! That is the busiest and most famous street in New York. You must live there in the skyscraper!" she said even more happily, looking to the road and then at me. I rolled my eyes. That was an unexpected expression from her.

"Yes, I live in the skyscraper. On the top floor actually," I said seriously, and said it indifferently. I then felt my headache again.

"On the top floor? That's crazy! How awesome! It must be a breathtaking view..." she declared, still excited. Her curious reaction surprised me and I cough because of that.

"You're right, especially those sunsets and sunrises," I added just for fun, as I grinned and looked at her. Her face smiled even more.

"Yes!!! I love sunsets and sunrises! I love how colorful they are. How those color pallettes just show in the sky... ahhh, I am envious of that," she said now seriously. I laughed a bit until I answered her.

"Oh yeah, you'd be envious, especially when the sunset has the most vivid colors in the sky... You would only imagine it," I said, glancing at her again and giving her points to think about.

"Oh sheesh, that would be so unexpectedly fabulous! Incredible... I 'know I am envious of it. I wish I could see the sunset from the top floor... It would be not only awesome but... also very romantic," she said sadly as she took a quick glance at me. I blushed as her eyes met mine for a while, and pulled my head away from her glances to look outside.

"Sunsets are always romantic," I said suddenly and smiled stupidly. What was I even thinking and telling?

"Oh, you think so? Okay, enough of that thing. Tell me, which building is your home?" she asked as she pulled onto the street that took us to Fifth Avenue.

"The 12th building."

"Oh, right, that has to be at the next stop. At least, that's what I assume, though I'm pretty sure my assumptions are more like guesses. It sounds like it has to be near the main road," she mumbled in confusion. I smiled again over nothing.

"You can choose this road to get there more quickly. If you continue straight, you would take a whole tour of this district, but if you turn to the right, you can take a shortcut," I explained, because I felt how energy got back into me. I pointed then to the road to my right. She immediately pulled the brakes and then slowed down further, turning to the right.

"Thanks for saying that, because I guess I wanted to take the straight one, haha," she responded, and scratched her head with one hand.

We drove a bit more until we reached our destination. We then headed to the building and then to the elevator. Her amazements were totally unexpected. She was so curious about everything. The more she talked, the more my head ached and the more my face was getting red.

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