Chapter 39

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! You're about to read chapter 39!


As she made sure that no one was hearing or looking at us behind the very dark corner, she she immediately began talking. There was only one small light source which illuminated one wall.

"Are you a con-artist or what? What's this trash all about?" she asked angrily as she scanned my face in the dark again. I blushed, because she had probably noticed that something weird was going on with me.

"I am not a con-artist! This isn't acting at all! Don't be ridiculous! She's my girlfriend, or a girlfriend-to-be."

"I do not believe you! You're the kind of person who doesn't like to date. Why do you act like this? You know how mad Lars is right now. Isn't this a bit childish what you do?" she declared.

"What?" I told shockingly. She placed her right hand on my chest, and leaned in to whisper her wisdom sexily into my burning and sensitive ear,

"It's a shame that you do such dumb things. You know that this is done to make someone jealous. Is it so?"

"What??? No! It's nothing like that, really!" I exclaimed and blushed a bit as she backed off some steps. She smirked wickedly. I felt so flushed over her saying.

"It's time to tell the truth," she replied seriously. I swallowed loudly again, and she laughed as she saw me doing it. I seemed suspicious and obviously nervous.

"I said the truth already. I have no words to say anymore," I said indifferently. As she stared in disappointment at my shy eyes, she snorted.

"Oh, yeah, you say you're out of words? Wow! How? You have always been the man who has to have his own last words in the conversation. It's not right at all. Stop playing fool! I know you want to trigger me," she replied darkly and bitterly.

"Huh? Trigger you? Why do I want to do this?" I asked seriously, trying to hold back my laughter. She was so straightforward.

"Isn't that obvious? You tryna make me jealous!"

"I try to make you jealous, right? Hilarious! Why do I do that?"

"Because you have an interest in me, isn't that so?" she whispered darkly as she took some steps further to face me. I blushed even more, and it all made me more impaient.

"No! It's nonsense! I have ZERO feelings for you!" I told arrogantly as I pushed her aside. "You're talking nonsense, cut it out already!" I said, looking at her silhouette in the darkness.

"I do believe you have an interest in me. So that's why you act like a con-artist and act weird. Perhaps you wish to ruin my relationship with Lars, too? Is that what you want, because I see that you really want to do that?" she asked sharply.

"No, it's not like that! I do not care if you date Lars or not! I could not care less. Just...please stop arguing. This won't lead us to nowhere...I'm tired..." I replied shyly. She scoffed in the dark.

"You do not care? Oh, you do care! That's why you kissed me in front of the cinema that day! That is exactly why you did it!"

"Hey! Cut it out! I don't love you!" I exclaimed angrily. She now walked back to the weak light where I could see her face. I lied.

"You kissed me because you love me. Come on, who are you fooling? Aside from trying to ruin my relationship with Lars, you're also attempting to ruin my life and Lars's! I really do hate you and your actions!" she declared darkly.

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