Chapter 40

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! Thank you for reading this amazing story and have maded to chapter 40! It has been a long journey!


When I got to work the next day, it was so boring and exhausting, since all I did was sit in my office for hours without leaving, even if I had to or if someone had called me to come out of my office. I didn't listen to any of them. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, with my thoughts of Ashley.

Time ticked further. When I was doing some paperwork, I heard a knock on the door. I guessed who it was, and I guessed it right. I said: "Come on in," and Ashley entered.

"Hey. May I sit down?" she asked innocently, trying to stir up my emotions, but it didn't move me at all. I didn't make any other reactions, just an indifferent one.

"Yes, you may," she told and went to sit down on the couch.

"I am here to tell you something."

"You mean last night, right?" I frowned behind the paper. Rather than looking at her, I was looking at the paper in a slightly disturbed manner.

"It's not about that. It's about something of what you are interested in hearing out."

"Oh, I see. Another trick of you."

"It's not. Please, hear me out," she begged me sincerly. I sighed, still looking at the paper.

"All right, go ahead," I said coldly and gave up. I was curious to hear what she would say, so that was why I let her talk.

"I have cleared out your scandal. Now there are no worries that you could get highlighted in the media anymore."

"Oh? Really? I don't believe you," I replied arrogantly and put that piece of paper onto the desk.

"I did everything I could. I did my very best, and this is how you thank me? You said you wanted me to make sure that your scandal would be dealt with during the trial. I did it."

"I can't trust you," I told more indifferently.

"Fine. Check the internet, if you don't believe me," she mumbled disturbingly as she looked at me.

After that, I took my phone and typed my name into the search bar. The information about me and the scandal was deleted. My eyes widened as I looked up every page of search results, where my name were in. She was right - there were no scandals connected with my name anymore. Everything bad about me was swept away in a blink of an eye.

On the internet, the only thing people knew about me was that I was the CEO of an electronic company and that I gave an interview about my company 2 years ago.

"What are you planning to say? There has to be a reason why you say it," I said thoughtfully. She sighed.

"Yes, there is a reason for it."

"And it is?" I asked, frowning again. I had no idea what was going on.

"I want to resign," she said seriously, looking straight into my worried light gray eyes.

"What? Why?" I asked shockingly as my eyes widened. She gulped as she peeked at me shyly. Why she said that?

"I have done my job here. It's my time to leave," she replied.

"I see that you have done everything to get that scandal thing off the internet, but that doesn't have to mean that you should leave," I replied worriedly.

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