Chapter 5

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Day 1: Stockholm

Throughout that day, all I could think about was that woman I bumped into so many times. And the more I thought about it, the more curious I became. Somehow I wanted to know more about her. A woman like her was someone I've never seen before or heard about which let me wonder things I usually don't tended to think about.

I lay on the bed and faced the ceiling. I bit my lower lip. As I covered my eyes with my arm, I laughed even more oddly and began to think about those things that had happened in the past. As I aged, I began to think about the past more and more. During my high school days, girls always got crazy about me, because of my looks, but I simply turned them down and rejected all of their confessions. A lot of girls wrote me love letters, but none of them attracted me.

Back in high school, one girl attempted to confess her love to me. The girl was extremely brave.

"I love you, please go out with me," she said and blinked her eyes at me back then as we were outside in front of high school. I smiled fiercely, but then it vanished.

"I'm not into dating and so, so my mood and feeling shows that that love of yours towards me is not sincere, and it will not work out, since I'm not interested in it," I said complicated sentences. Her eyes got so big.

"You what?! What's that, a joke of yours? Uh? How can you say that my love for you isn't sinere? I have fallen head over heels for you since I found out that you're at this school."

"I'm sorry, but I cannot agree with your confession."

"Why do you do it? Don't I look beautiful? Do you have someone else? More beautiful than me? Uh? Tell me!" she continued to beg me to love her. I only laughed her off.

"It's not like I have someone, but I'm not feeling to date anyone."

"It's so frustrating! Why do hot guys reject my confessions so often? I'm in love with you. Please consider me. We could be a perfect match."

"I appologize for saying something stupid, but I have to say this: what you said was all ridiculous. You should ask someone else out!" I said coldly. She started to cry.

"What do I have to do to make you fall for me? Do I have to kneel? Do I have to pray? Do I have to kiss you? What I have to do?" she asked with her tearful eyes as she looked at me. I sighed for that.

"You don't have to do anything to me. I won't date you," I said seriously.

Then, in order to comfort her, I placed my hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

"Please, find someone more suitable than me," I added. She looked into my eyes now.

"Give me a chance, please," she still begged me as she wiped her eyes with her hand.

"I won't give any chance. I'm so sorry but please give up on me."

"Fine! Go live your stupid life without a woman! Go and live! You're going to die alone!" she exclaimed suddenly and darkly. She then walked away in a hurry.

It was a conservation for that day with her. Since then, I have not seen her around at school, or if she was at school, she would have walked away if she saw me. The letters and confessions stopped when I finished high school.

It didn't matter that I was hot and handsome. As I was passionate about my job and my high school studies back then, I then, as I became CEO, began to overwork and overthink. I sought some help as my condition was getting worse. My best friend Alex was a doctor. He always encouraged me to take some time off, to go on a vacation. I remembered one visit to him.

"Hey, you should take some time off. Some tests showed that you might be facing a serious issue. Please consider taking care of you first. Your body can malfunction pretty quickly if you're just working from day to day," he explained back then.

"I can't take some time off. My job needs me as the CEO. I can't be away for too long from work," I protested..

"Don't be such a child. Your company has a vicepresident. There cannot be any problems while you're away from the job."


"Oh come on! Your health is the most important thing!" he replied then. All I did was to nod. I appreciated his advice, even when it meant I had to jump over my own shadow.

Alex was always punctual. His mind was brilliant. He has been a doctor for 10 years and his career started when he was only 21-years-old after graduating from university. His grades and knowledge were so superior that he didn't need to study for 7 years. He once told me about his past at my house.

"Do you know how my career as a doctor started?" he asked.

"No," I said and smiled.

"I think I tell it to you. Hmm..where should I begin?"

"Tell me how your practice turned out in the emergency department."

"Oh, sure. It proceeded smoothly. I did a lot of medical stuff and a lot of elder doctors taught me well. I was told that I was so brave and excellent at performing minor surgeries."

"This sounds awesome! How did you meet Casey?" I asked back then.

"Oh, that. Haha, well we met at the emergency department. She was assigned to that department. I taught her because I was told to be teaching her. We soon started working together side-by-side, and grew closer," he said.

"What then?"

"Well, we then found out that we were compatible with each other and started dating. Following 2 years of working together, we had a baby boy named Andrew and we got married. She's gorgeous and absolutely stunning! Our child is also very handsome, isn't he?" he asked happily back then.

"Yes, he is. Even your wedding day stands out to me. Casey wore a very thick, buffy and white bridesmaid's gown and that beautiful hairstyle and the bouquet full of white and light pink roses...she definitely seemed like a fairy... Alex, you, wore a nice suit as well. You were very handsome. I maybe saw the first time in my life, that your eyes glittered like thousands of stars have ignited the night sky. You were so happy!" I told him. He laughed for that.

"Thank you! She indeed was magical! And of course, our wedding was breathtaking. Just like a dream. And the feeling she was walking to the altar gave me a heart attack, because her look was so stunning. We got married at the age of 26. That was a reasonable age to be settled down, right?" he asked.

"Yes. I am glad that you found her. You deserve her," I praised his choice back then.

So he became a doctor and Casey became a nurse. He was ready to do small procedures if there was a need at the hospital. And after Alex got married, he changed completely. He was like a completely different person. When he settled down, he became more mature man.

So, we, I and Alex, were schoolmates since high school and we have been friends since then. In the end, we did not part ways as many of our high school mates would have been able to. The two of us happened to study at the same university.

Remembering the past was my favorite thing to do. I had a brilliant best friend and we never grew apart even though we had ups and downs in our lives. He had a wife and a child. I was single but it didn't stop our friendship. Of course, I was proud of him and his career. He was so special and the person who I have always missed. We had a lot of fun back in high school. We were popular dudes at school!

I smiled once again and turned around and faced the window to look out for a few moments, then I closed my eyes. I felt how relaxed I was. Recalling the past did help me to get some sleep. 

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