Chapter 55

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A/N: Thank you for reading my story! You're about to read chapter 55!


I pondered for a while, until I heard two shy knocks on the door. Those knocks were very shy, and I barely heard them. For some reason, I wished it was Alex, because I missed him, even though I remembered that he was in Miami with Casey celebrating their marriage anniversary. But the ache I felt in my heart was something more than missing a friend. My heart missed someone more close to me, but as my head also ached, I wasn't sure who I wished to see so badly, because the aching head didn't let me concentrate. Maybe my memory was unreliable, and I actually imagined things.

After I heard again two couple of shy knocks on the door, which sounded like someone was getting impatient, I said loudly "Come on in!" Like magic, the door opened slowly, and Ashley revealed herself behind the door, as she stepped into the room. She quietly closed the door behind herself, and walked towards me in a hurry, just like she did when she was in my office visiting me. At that moment, I thought maybe she was the reason why my heart ached.

"Christian, you're alive!" were Ashley's first words as she spotted me on the bed. I moved myself up a bit to see her better. Even though I hadn't seen her for days, her tone hadn't changed. And it was strange that she visited me in the hospital, but somehow, I was happy to meet her. She seemed worried like my mother, but maybe women were worried about men?

"I am fine, don't worry so much about it," I told her happily and smiled kindly. She suddenly kneeled next to the bed, placed her hands on my left hand and looked into my eyes worriedly. Her eyes soon dripped with tears. She was still just as emotionally affected as she had been since we first met.

"Christian, you have no idea how worried I was! I thought I wouldn't see you anymore," she cried.

"I am fine, I'm saying, I am fine. It's not like I'm in something extremely dangerous," I replied and smirked awfully. What was I caught in? I had no idea why I was in the hospital or what made me lie there. Maybe I also got amnesia, but why did I remember Ashley and her name?

"What? Do you even have an idea that you almost died because of that bullet?"

"A bullet? I got shot?" I asked shockingly. She looked at me as if I had gone insane.

"Yes, you got a bullet. Tristian shot you," she replied sadly as she wiped with her hand her eyes, which were still wet. Now I recall something. I felt pain in my stomach. I saw Tristian's awful face when he held the gun in his hand. There was a killer look all over his terrible face. And I remembered Ashley, who cried next to me when I bled on the ground.

"Oh, this is terrible. At least I am alive," I replied after thinking about it.

"You almost died because of that bullet, you almost did," she reminded me of that fact once more seriously, as if I hadn't taken her seriously at first.

"I guess I have to admit it, since I saw my passed grandma in my dream," I told her ironically. "I was near death after all," I added seriously.

"Christian, this isn't funny! I am seriously worried even right now," she told and cried even more.

"You don't have to cry. I am alright as you can see. And why should you cry? You said you hated me," I responded coldly as I looked bizarrely and innocently into her teary eyes. She frowned for a second.

"You got injured. You're not fine!" she replied sadly as her tearful eyes met my gray eyes.

As she cried, I suddenly remembered what I said when I was lying on the ground and groaned in pain. That was perhaps my first true confession to her after all, even though the timing was problematic. But did she remember that? Maybe that wasn't meaningful for her. I wanted her to confess her love for me, because I knew that she also had feelings for me. But she always denied it. She always did.

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