Chapter 1

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This building was something that was extraordinary. Something that he never thought he would see. Not in his entire lifetime. Students wearing the grey and dark green accented uniform walk past. Gripping tighter to the straps of his bag, he takes a deep breath and walks through the gates.

Walking through the halls to find his classroom was like walking through a maze. After what seemed like an eternity, he had eventually found the towering door with the large, bold red printed word; 1A. sliding the door open, left him looking into the room and seeing all of the other students.

There were two wolf hybrids. Some mutant quirks and anyone that didn't seem to have mutant quirks had either transformation or emitter quirks. Finding an empty seat; second seat of the second row, he recognised the boy behind him. It was the boy that was in the same Battle Ground as him during the entrance exams...! Placing on a big smile, he turned around and made eye contact with him.


The boy looked at him. A shock expression to be exact, but quickly turned into a smile.


"You may not have seen me but, we were in the same Battle ground for the entrance exams! I'm Kaminari Hikori!"

"Harinezumi Supaiku. I think I saw you at some point. What's your quirk?"

"Electric waves!"


QUIRK; Electric Waves

He is able to produce large amounts of electricity from his hands, but if his electricity connects with another person, or group of people, he has the option to brainwash them. A downside to this is that, if he over uses his electricity, it results in numbness in his fingers and headaches with his brainwashing

"That sounds like a very powerful quirk!"

"Thanks! What's yours?"



QUIRK; Quills

His hair is made of hedgehog quills and he is able to remove them and use them as darts. He can remove as many as he wants, but the more he pulls out, the longer it takes for them to grow back and the more fragile they are as a result.

Hikori got a good look at the boy. He had quills for hair, yeah, he had dark brown eyes and lighter patches on his skin. His head was also twitching from side to side every now and then, sometimes more violent than before.

"Are you OK?"

"Huh?! Oh yeah, I'm fine! I have Tourette's. I can also tell that you want to know why I have lighter patches all over my skin?"

"If it's not rude to ask and if it doesn't make you uncomfortable? Please?"

"It's fine. I have Vitiligo."

"What is that...?"

"It's when there is a loss of pigment in skin cells."

"Oh! That's so cool!"

"Really? I used to get picked on by other kids about it, and my Tourette's..."

"I know how that feels... But regardless! You got into the hero course! If you become a hero, then you can show people that it doesn't matter what you look like or what you are, everyone can become heroes! Prove those jerks wrong!"

"Thanks, Kaminari-kun...!"

The boys smiled at each other. Hikori was happy that he was already having a positive impression on people. As well as wanting to prove his own bullies wrong, he wants to help others to prove their own worth. The door opened, causing Hikori's gaze to drift to the front. Their teacher had arrived and it was;

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